The virgin handler vs the chad guildmarm
snoyggers BTFO
how is this even the same company
Left is just modelled after a white wench, right is modelled after a Japanese woman
soul and soulless
Can someone translate these enchantment table scribbles for me?
That's because they aren't.
World was a result of the higher ups at capcom calling the shots.
Capcom was trying to appeal to the western market, they saw western games made character models purposefully ugly and western media criticizes beauty standards, so they made ugly characters to fit in with the western ideal of beauty.
Monster Hunter Rise is for the Japanese audience
>left: what happens when you fall for the realism meme
>right: what happens when you actually try to make something look good
The reddit of hairstyles
my yuzu is ready
Crackers should really kill themselves so we stop getting abominations like in the top
>whole fucking DLC is about that stupid fucking cunt
>haha switch gets a cute one
The Playstation one literally looks like a humanized version of WoW's female Tauren.
Right is realistic too, it’s just based on Japanese not westerners
>appeal to westerners
>all characters look ugly
yep, sounds about right. americans are a blight.
Something about lonely coomers jacking off to video games.
Your “yuzu” won’t be able to play this game for another 6 years.
None of this would have happened if the USA didn’t bomb Pearl Harbour
>Asian bugs
I hate the world handler with a passion, butt fucking ugly. But can someone please tell me the appeal of what appears to be a sex doll with a hime cut?
Why are Nintendo fans obsessed with looks all the time when they themselves look like walking trash bags?
What does this have to do with gameplay?
Rise is going to sell a fuckton in Japan.
I feel another 10 million hit coming.
No, that's the blacked sidecut.
Go jerk off in a sock you pointless turbo virgin.
You can use Yandex translate on pictures, such as OP's screenshot
"This is switch monster hunter's overwhelming victory"
MH didnt even hit that on the Wii OR 3DS.
Switch: ?
This is the problem with westerners, they think of “Asians” and think of Gooks or Chinese.
Think of it this way, how would you feel if imagine if Japanese used Russians as a model for what white people look like.
>haha switch gets a cute one
Correction, Switch gets a cute two
Seethe snoygger
We already know that the game is going to play more-or-less just like World, so no point talking about it
As if owning a Switch wasn't bad enough the poor tendies get stuck with fetal alcohol syndrome elf too.
Neither did Zelda.
realistic woman vs unrealistic incel fantasy weebshit
left is modeled after some niggermutt american left is modeled after an actual white woman
Japs look fucking ugly as well.
Latinas are where its at.
Russians are the niggers of the white race.
But the right has a huge manchin according to the Nintendo faggots for every other game.
Switch actually gets a cute two
No but seriously. Is there a rationale for why they made the World Handler so unlikeable and the ex-handler so superior? Was it just to spite players?
You're that sonybro who played FF7R in English dub. Literally murder yourself.
Alright Jose, you enjoy your goblinas
well, it's a sex doll with a hime cut. what's there to hate?
Because it unironically appeals to westerners.
>cute, looks like a real woman.
>looks like a tranny trying very hard to look feminine and girly
Was MHW don’t exclusive? Shouldnt is also show PC and Xbox?
>the appeal of what appears to be a sex doll with a hime cut
There you go. But you knew that already.
no that’s Germans
They're both ugly.
Continental Europeans are mutts too.
Iberians and Italians are part Moorish
Russians are part Mongol
Slavs are part Russian who are part Mongol
The Balkans are the worst, they’re part Russian, part Slav and part Ottoman Turk.
That’s why the Balkans are so unstable
Hispanic people are mixed up too, the Iberian is part Moor and he mixed with the natives in Central America. That’s why they’re so violent the native and Moorish blood together is a dangerous mix.
get your eyes checked gramps
It's almost as though pure races don't exist and the whole concept is bullshit propaganda.
Even the Japanese are a mix of different ethnic groups.
There are only two true races of humans, the Anglo and the Yamato. If you look at the blood of every other race they’re mixed up.
This is why the world is divided into West (Anglo) and East (Japanese)
t. amerimutt
I pitty you because you have never bbeeen with a white woman ever, or ever seen one irl
They even look like inbred rednecks.
>Two Monster Hunters on Switch
>Two cute girls in Monster Hunter Rise
>Two cute girls in Monster Hunter Stories 2
Mama Mia
seethe, snygger
whom is this nin10yrold projecting for, toddlers seething at piratechads is so common no man would bet against it
God imagine being a filthy sn*yn*gger
Switch chads are stealing your exclusives.
Well you clearly aren’t white or come from a white nation with that horrible ESL retard language you’re trying to speak, Muhammad.
enjoy your tranny movies, faggot
>Posting Chinkfa
>Why are Nintendo fans obsessed with looks all the time when they themselves look like walking trash bags?
For the most part yes it is propaganda, there are no pure Continental races. It’s impossible for a Continental to be pure because they’re not isolated.
This is why Japanese and Anglos are the purest humans, God put our races on islands separated from the continent
I’ve never been to America
I’ve never met an American
99% of my family is in one town in Europe
Try again euro homo, stop bringing up your american boyfriends all the time
This ends the world 2.0 cope.
The women in Rise don't have downs syndrome. Take your Icestillborne garbage and fuck off.
what a sad existence that must be
The highest 3ds entry did what? 4.2 million? I can see rise doing 5 million in Japan, but I don't see it getting another 5 million over seas. I think it'll be closer to 7.5
56% gorean stogg :DDD
Fuck basedny MH is back home, i can't wait to fight the online final boss! Any ideas MHchads???
>""remake" Tifa
embarrassingly bad, should've stayed anime
>censored bra
ohnonono can't even show that cleavage to snoys without them getting triggered
There are Koreans living in Osaka but they’re not allowed to have Japanese citizenship even after living there for 100 years.
They could have been Japanese under the colonial empire but decided to betray the Emperor and embrace republicanism
It's a multiplat
>sports bra
oh nonono
snoygers in full cope
Japanese don’t play games on a workstation, only Europeans do that because under communism video games were illegal
*also on PC
the absolute state of Sony kek