>FFXV looks better than FFXVI
What went wrong?
>FFXV looks better than FFXVI
What went wrong?
>Zig Forums whining about graphics when the game doesn't look bad by any stretch of the imagination
what went wrong?
found the shill
Pretty sure the pic for ff15 is a cinimatic. Though even if its not it doesn't matter. Compared to what has been shown they're pretty much the same graphics wise, but 16 doesn't look like it plays like trash
That image is proving a whole lot of fucking nothing
500+ replies inbound
FFXV focused so much on graphics they butchered the story, the gameplay and even the characters. It's like the second worst FF
FF 16 image is CG. The FF15 is ingame graphic.
is this your first rodeo bud? early teasers always make the game look fun
then it releases playing like absolute ass, like the other 200 final fantasies
>this was a ps4 game
What happened?
First game announcement trailer always have high quality. The release version are always a downgrade.
Nah. FFXV legit had better graphics. FFXVI showed a lack of subsurface scattering for the skin rendering and no real-time dynamic GI. The hair rendering is also considerably worse. It looks like they're using crystal tools for this instead of UE4 or luminous
>Graphics made FFXV a good game
Which mental illness is this guys?
>How do we show a time skip version of Ravus?
>Just add some facial hair
Legit burst out laughing when I saw this
Nomura as a character designer makes 15 look better
Nothing? Consoles have shit hardware anyways. Unless you want to play your games at 15 fps this is more than enough. Also fuck you Barry. You aren't welcome.
Left looks better than right one tough. FF15 charachters look like they were made with Playdough.
Yeah, say what you want about UE4 but in-game models look closer to actual humans than that uncanny garbage that was Luminous Engine. Prompto legit looks like a corpse.
>PS4 game
how did they do it?
That shit was random but it looks good on him.
>faceapp filter
The stupid fucking modern clothes they gave them actually makes me appreciate them for going back to a medieval setting.
>A bunch of bisexual men on a roadtrip
Sure retard
>tfw you finally broke the Zig Forums cycle and you just like FF and Sonic and Zelda games when they come out now even if you don't buy them at full price
Medieval clothes look like they came from Dishonored 2 tough which was already looking like Deus Ex HR/MD outfits.
How insecure are you about their looks?
Add. Altough FF15 clothes look like they are a KPOP band too especially party members. So nothing is lost and nothing is gained imho.
>getting gay vibe
I think its a you problem.
Literally anyone who actually played the game can vouch for that.
>TL: I need my boring bog standard shit because I'm a faggot communist who despises unique looks and individualism
How do people think DMC single 1v1 combat looks fun in fucking Final Fantasy
The game that went through multiple development hells, to which they created a whole new engine? To make a singular FF game per generation? And spent resources on a shitty CGI movie, anime series and other media instead of on the game?
I for once am glad FFXIV doesn't look cutting edge and doesn't use a proprietary engine. Perhaps they'll break the cycle from these last 2 gens where we only get 1 new FF main numbered title per generation.