Absolutely fucking hated the first game, but just finished this. They finally made a fun game to go with the movie part. Probably my favorite game of the generation.
Absolutely fucking hated the first game, but just finished this. They finally made a fun game to go with the movie part...
>The last of United States
What was Naughty Dog thinking?
based i loved it too great game
haven't played it yet. first one was fine, but not too much into the genre.
god i'm tired of seeing ellie's retarded mutt face in the catalog
The gunplay and level design is actually good in 2. The first one played like shit. I never understood the over the top praise.
I don’t even think Naughty Dog started making good games outside of Crash and Jack until maybe Lost Legacy
the first one played fine in my opinion. very safe and nothing new really, but really polished. Like said i'm not much in to the basic post apocalypse zombie shit.
original crash games were great, kinda missed the whole jaks & daxter stuff. uncharted was pretty good for that indiana jones game itch. lost legacy was kinda better than uncharted 4
commencing stealth maitetsu thread
talk about your favourite routes
I’m convinced everyone who doesn’t like this game is either an alt-right neckbeard or low iq. tlou 2 is definetly game of the year
...isn't it just a faster, more brutally animated version of the first? How is this one good but not that?
You’re underestimating the feel of better controls, non-tanky movement, and significantly improved AI that forces you to constantly move around levels to survive. It IS like the first game, but it just doesn’t play like shit
The A.I ain't that smart, the enemies simply ignores your companion until they see you.
Literally not true, you haven't played it
>he played on normal
It is true even on harder difficulties.
I'm on the road to get the platinum.
I'm glad you're enjoying it! I beat the game on Grounded per Chapter and the AI has gotten me caught on multiple occasions. They do a pretty good job of staying out of the way but they WILL trigger the AI if they get cornered.
The game is quite reluctant to allow your companion to break stealth, but unlike the first game it CAN happen if the situation is bad enough (e.g. the enemy is literally about to run into them and the companion can't pathfind to somewhere safer). It only happened to me once in my Survivor playthough, and I was impressed at how it went down. I hogged the only piece of cover in a corner of the TV station, assuming the AI wouldn't notice Dina. They did, but it only broke stealth for her, not me. I stayed where I was while she ran off and dealt with the situation, and when she came back she actually apologised. From then on I was more careful to make sure there was space behind cover for them, and it didn't happen again.
(Also, I really loved the story. I found it incredibly powerful and memorable. It's definitely more dependant on personal taste than the original was, but I don't understand the hate at all.)
>Probably my favorite game of the generation.
What's yours?
Her Santa Barbara design was kino
same boat here
stop bumping this shit thread
Abby was completely in the right, name a single thing she did wrong.
Hunt down her fathers murder and kill him. Only things she did wrong was feel guilt for bringing justice and letting Ellie live. Fuck Joel, Fuck Ellie, fuck Dina and Jackson.
gameplay wise it's better in every way
story wise it's worse in every way
OMG Mine too!
I would agree that it's better than the first but still overrated. Abby is the best part of the whole franchise.
Nobody likes you neil, go away
Curious as to what made you play it if you hated the first
Punished Ellie is best Ellie
The first one was really good but Part 2 is simply a masterpiece.
I'm going yhrough the game on Grounded+ and I just made it through Hillcrest. It was less exhausting than I thought it'd. On my first playthrough on Hard thst was was a hell on its own.