for me its upskirts
Is there a thing that instantly puts a game on your "i will play it" list?
Not really. Most games are pretty soulless lately and I'm not a cooomer either.
In recent years, military sims.
im not even gay
option to run around completely naked
Grappling hook
Telekinetic mechanics
Hilarious character customization
Wizard shit done well. You almost never see it.
yes you are
Didn't the switch have a FPS where you're a wizard release like two week ago?
I can't remember the name but maybe give it a look.
Wait what? Alright, I'm interested.
It's not a game
I was super excited for Spellbreak until it turned into avatar battle royale. The play style would make for a GREAT open world battle mage game, using spells for combat and movement. Or skip open world and just make huge open levels
For me it's not being made by china
Genshin Impact, Anime Breath of the Wild. It's derivative as shit and a blatant rip off but it looks fun, there are worse games to copy.
Actual interesting politics. There's so few games with cool, interesting political intrigue going on. It's usually JRPGs and it usually devolves into "kill god" by the end anyway.
it's not a game, it's a chinese phone app.
Is it gachashit?
Directed by Yoko Taro
Design by Tetsuya Nomura
Scenario by Hideo Kojima
Developed by Platinum Games
*licks the cum off the floor*
Onsen are so fucking comfy.
You motherfuckers have no idea how goddamn comfy onsen are.
coomers are ruining games
chinese free to play gacha phone game that blatantly ripoffs a successful game to entice retards with fried dopamine receptors
suck it yourself slut
*lowers cock to your mouth*
Please tell me this is a shitpost.