What are Zig Forums's thoughts on Pokegirls?

What are Zig Forums's thoughts on Pokegirls?

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I wish I was a pokegirl

The holy trinity
Further proof Gen VII was the best

The mons are better

I want to fuck them

For a children's game, they're quite top tier in design.

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>At fully evolved you get Primarina, Tsareena and Alolan Ninetales
Actually, yeah, I'll agree. Their Pokemon are way hotter.

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Do not fuck Pokemon

Are Children's games usually filled with characters that look like this?

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You can't tell me what to do you're not my dad

I love my wife Marnie, she is cute and very funny

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I want to have sex with Lillie, age 11!!!!!!!!!!

Lillie needs diapers.

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Why is there no h-game where you catch and train pokegirls, differing types of pokeballs and all?

Pretty great

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why are their names different in the japanese versions?


Amerifats won't know what a Rurina is and nips won't know what a Nessa is

Take a wild fucking guess, retard. Why are Pokemon names different in every language?


In the anime shorts, she has a milotic, but in the game she has an ugly fish and turtle. I thought she would have beautiful pokemon since shes a model. What gives?


Americans are too low IQ to learn a second language.

Because those names are supposed to be puns. Lillie is not a pun.

Rirrie is so done

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I know what you mean, that Milotic isn't hers, it's a wild Pokemon.

man i really REALLY want to pound lusamine infront of lillie

I love Serena!

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Son, this is your Father. I beg you, fuck as many Pokemon as you possibly can.

better than spaintard language,they got triggered by guzma (guzman)

man i really REALLY want to pound lillie infront of lusamine

why would they need to further change the names in Spanish? I don't get it
They turned Hau into TILO


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Fucking WHORE

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>The mons are better

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I will! Thank you, father!

My wife Mallow is so cute

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GameFreak definitely knows, but do they do it on purpose?

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