What are Zig Forums's thoughts on Pokegirls?
What are Zig Forums's thoughts on Pokegirls?
I wish I was a pokegirl
The holy trinity
Further proof Gen VII was the best
The mons are better
I want to fuck them
For a children's game, they're quite top tier in design.
>At fully evolved you get Primarina, Tsareena and Alolan Ninetales
Actually, yeah, I'll agree. Their Pokemon are way hotter.
Do not fuck Pokemon
Are Children's games usually filled with characters that look like this?
You can't tell me what to do you're not my dad
I love my wife Marnie, she is cute and very funny
I want to have sex with Lillie, age 11!!!!!!!!!!
Lillie needs diapers.
Why is there no h-game where you catch and train pokegirls, differing types of pokeballs and all?
Pretty great
why are their names different in the japanese versions?
Amerifats won't know what a Rurina is and nips won't know what a Nessa is
Take a wild fucking guess, retard. Why are Pokemon names different in every language?
In the anime shorts, she has a milotic, but in the game she has an ugly fish and turtle. I thought she would have beautiful pokemon since shes a model. What gives?
Americans are too low IQ to learn a second language.
Because those names are supposed to be puns. Lillie is not a pun.
Rirrie is so done
I know what you mean, that Milotic isn't hers, it's a wild Pokemon.
man i really REALLY want to pound lusamine infront of lillie
I love Serena!
Son, this is your Father. I beg you, fuck as many Pokemon as you possibly can.
better than spaintard language,they got triggered by guzma (guzman)
man i really REALLY want to pound lillie infront of lusamine
why would they need to further change the names in Spanish? I don't get it
They turned Hau into TILO
Fucking WHORE
>The mons are better
I will! Thank you, father!
My wife Mallow is so cute
GameFreak definitely knows, but do they do it on purpose?