Jim Ryan on Playstation 5 launch in Japan: We want to have bigger presence there


>Yesterday (Japan time, early morning of September 17th), there were many things that I had to send to the world, but for me personally, "The release in Japan and the release in the United States are the same day. It was of utmost importance to announce that.

>We have a lot of negotiations going on to spend more time and build good relationships with major Japanese publishers. We have a very good relationship with Koei Tecmo as well as Square Enix and Capcom. It was a big strategic goal to have a close relationship with all Japanese game publishers.

>Ryan: The Japanese game market and the Japanese game community are one of the most important markets in the world for PlayStation.

>We would like to thank everyone for their appreciation for the attention and concentration we are showing to the Japanese market, such as setting a simultaneous release date with North America and paying attention to the relationship with Japanese publishing partners.

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>We want to have bigger presence there
>we still moved the HQ out of there though
>we ask devs there to response to our commie central though
>we still censor their games though

Then why'd they move to California and make most Japanese games play Russian Roulette to decide if it even gets on their platform?

Why did PlayStation become American again?

>make no games that would entice japanese players
>The Japanese game market and the Japanese game community are one of the most important markets in the world for PlayStation

because the ps4 sold better in america than japan.

But Europeans are the biggest buyers of Sony's crap.

Europe & Third Worlders

Monster Hunter Rise on Switch pretty much cemented Nintendo's dominance in Japan. 15 million sales vs 7 million PS4 sales in half the time. PS5 has no chance.

Safe to say Nintendo has an iron grip on japan.

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Nintendo already had dominance in Japan with Animal Crossing and Pokémon. Getting Monster Hunter too is just rubbing it in.

Isn't the PC market growing significantly in Japan too?

PS5 wouldn't have any chance even if Rise was somehow a Sony exclusive, home consoles are dead in there and American Sony still likes to pretend otherwise.
They will never get that market back until they make a new handheld, though I don't think they really give a shit given how they own a big slice of the mobage market anyway so I guess this whole "we want a bigger presence there" is just PR talk, or they're actually that clueless which wouldn't be surprising given how completely out of touch they've been since the americanization.

Yeah, thanks to steam and Vtubers helping PC shake off the reputation of just being for erotic games.

What are you going to say when Monster Hunter World 2 is released?

The CEO and Head of First Party Studios are both European now

Yup, nip graphics fags are now all on pc. Home consoles are pretty much dead there.

It’s just lip service. Sony doesn’t give a shit about Japan anymore and they don’t need to lift a finger to get Jap devs on board with PS5 anyway.

I'll believe it when the ps version of games isn't censored.

>Animal Crossing
>Dragon Quest
>Monster Hunter
This kills the SNOY

I was talking specifically about Japan. MHW2 might increase playstation sales, but the reality is that most people in Japan don't spend much time at home, which is why they value portability so much. It's far more likely that Rise will get ported to other systems rather than there being a MHW2. RE engine is the future.

The commies smile as they backstab you.

user, MHW didn't even cross 3m in Japan where base handheld versions usually hit 4.
What on earth makes you think that a World 2 would change anything?

>and they don’t need to lift a finger to get Jap devs on board with PS5 anyway.
You say this, but it's just as likely Microsoft steals Playstation's market share in Japan and becomes the new go-to for nip games on home consoles. We'll see a hint of the future in Tokyo Game Show, I expect a lot of nip games announced for game pass to entice Japanese gamers.

>he says this while xbones dont even break 100 consoles sold a week in famitsu

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>>Animal Crossing
>This kills the SNOY
what :D

There are no games Japanese wants.

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This nigger just said what everybody knows, they only care BIG japanese companies, they even axed Japan Studio because they dont care about real games they only want blockbusters movies

Nintendo made a huge turn-around with the Switch, it's not unreasonable to believe Microsoft could do the same with their new gamepass strategy. Nips are already fans of the minimalist aesthetic of the xbox consoles, the price, and the specs, they just need an incentive to actually buy the things. Like I said, we'll have to gauge Japanese reactions to Microsoft's segment at Tokyo Game Show to get any inkling of the future. At the very least, I don't think the new Xboxes will sell as poorly as the Xbone and 360 did, especially not with Sony shitting the bed so hard.

Small nip devs are leaving Sony for Nintendo and PC now after their censorship shit. Just look at Compile Shit.
>first PS4 title.
>brand new game they were touting as the first original jrpg on PS4.
>first PS5 title
>the third rerelease of Nep1.

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declining birthrate in japan which means a lack of virgins and incels being created
nintendo now has 100% of the incel market share in japan

Nintendo sells more in japan than any of the three but you have a higher chance of winning the lottery than the nips buying an Xbox over a PS5

>Yuropoors are Sony's largest audience
Probably wasn't a good idea to price their shit so high now

Ok I’ll keep on buying my niche games on PlayStation though while you scream about how the sky is falling

We'll see, that's all I can say.

Then stop censoring your games.

They only give a fuck about the big jap devs that make western friendly content. They still actively despise anime games and small devs that actually make up the japanese gaming industry.

This is a fact. Both consoles dont sell shit in japan compared to the rest of the world. Mobile gaming is hot.

If you want to have a bigger presence in Japan then release asl handheld with Japanese games

>Ok I’ll keep on buying my niche games on PlayStation
Can't buy what isn't there.

I mean I have
13 Sentinels
Cold Steel 4
Sakuna of Rice and Ruin
EDF 5.0 physical
Yakuza 7
Ys 9

All preordered for PS4

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I sold my ps4 because they started censoring japanese games. They can go fuck themself and I hope that japan fully rejects them instead of submitting to censorship from a now american company. Keep your cancerous shit in your own country and stop trying to poison the rest of the world.

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