Other urls found in this thread:
>There is ""people""
>On this board
>That unironically believe she will die
I don't like to call them "people"
is it confirmed?
are the fate ghosts going to whisk her away from death?
Jacked face and feet
No, she will.
Is this an Aerith thread?
She's a goner.
Clearly too pure too live.
She will obviously die.
Sephiroth wants Aeris to live because he knows her death is what ultimately foils his plans. Cloud will want to try to prevent her death by changing fate but Aeris will stop him and go to her death willingly, there'll be a big lesson about how you CAN change fate doesn't mean that you should
That's assuming Nomura isn't a fucking hack which is still up in the air, I think the first game was mostly successful, this is coming from an OG game purist who hates everything in the compilation
that video where you're doing her doggy style, and she is looking back at you holding your hand with fingers intertwined
So good, bros.
Aeris deserves to be pregnant at ALL times.
Your Aerithmatic is poor, user.
Biggs is alive so we know it's possible
My gut keeps telling me it's a trick but I can't stop hoping
I feel so bad lewding Aeris but I also want to defile her so bad
It's part of why I like those details though.
Someone just fucking or getting fucked doesn't do little things like that. There is more to it than just laying pipe. Because of that, I'm okay with it.
InB4 user disagrees with me.
Cloud pls
Her name is Aerith. If she told you her name was Aeirs, she's lying.
Aeris' VA
/Ourgirl/ reacting to XVI.
always a pleasure, professor.
Holy fuck she's so hot in that dress
Her haircut is wonderful
Changing that would be an extremely stupid and retarded decision so I fully expect them to let her live.
>implying Nomura would ruin the single greatest moment of the or-
actually no that sounds about right