>FF16 coming
>No one cares
We can finally say Final Fantasy is offically dead.
FF16 coming
I care :)
So fucking what? We have many other games.
It’s the first entry in the series since FFX that doesn’t look like it’s going to be absolute fucking dog shit. However, the trailer dialogue was so cringey it hurt.
FF is dead. RPGs are dead.
I always figured we would end up here and also always been against the push to realtime combat in the series because of that. I like DMC and Souls so it’s not like I can’t enjoy or push through a story with those kind of systems, but I’d like Final Fantasy to stay Final Fantasy.
Never cared if its set in the future, medieval or whatever but to me the essence of FF is going on a globetrotting adventure in a magical world with a diverse team of characters working together to stop a threat they’d be hopeless against without each other. If it strays from that, why even buy a Final Fantasy game?
I’ve always felt like Square’s newer design philosophies, things like eliminating the world map and pursuing action systems they haven’t outright “killed” this notion of FF I’ve described but they’ve betrayed it and been so crafty at the same time. You just know they want to so badly, but they were doing it in halfsteps until now.
I’d liken Modern Final Fantasy to being with a cheating spouse in a failing marriage in a way, I-IX things were pure bliss. The FFX-XII era things remain okay but you still see signs of her lightly flirting with that guy you aren’t supposed to worry about. Fabula Nova Crystallis era was like a dead bedroom where it isn’t working so she gets you to begrudgingly agree to take some time apart. FFXV/FFVIIR she seems friskier all of a sudden but then hands you an ultimatum of wanting an open marriage to spice up her sex life.
The FFXVI trailer is her outright admitting she wants to cuck you and refuses sex with you while still calling herself your wife meanwhile her friends (Square-Enix shills) are gaslighting you saying it’s okay she’s still your wife, it’s still FF bro, relationships can be polyamorous now get with the times and stop jumping to conclusions. It’s just the first trailer, there could still be party members! But deep down you know it’s over and in reality it has been for decades now
>constantly 5+ threads in the catalog
>no one cares
Inb4 another normalfag exposes themself comparing it to SoIF
FFXV burned a lot of people. It's only natural that there's less interest in the next mainline. 7R was great and well received, but that still banks highly on 7 nostalgia. XVI doesn't have that luxury and will have to prove itself.
>we want the witcher 3 audience
Lol, Final Fantasy died when it turned into generation-long cancerous growths. XIII suffocated the PS3 generation. XV suffocated PS4. XIV is regurgitated nostalgiaslop for WoW retards. No good games since XII.
No good games ever, not until they hire new directors to generate new ideas.
I'll care after they drop the second trailer in 2022.
>No one cares
>At least 5 threads on it right now.
>Many more in the archive, most of which had filled the 500 post limit and then some.
Yeah, no one cares.
it's just barry trying his hardest
his last few threads haven't taken off so he keeps trying to dip
Nobody cares about normalfag analogies, schizo.
> always figured we would end up here and also always been against the push to realtime combat in the series because of that.
Didnt read after that. Everytime with this turn based mongoloids for some reason pretending nobody cares about XVI. Looking at the bottom of the barrel to justify their hatred for action. Piss off, retard.
15 killed all good will with normies I think
well thats what happens when you slap together a rushed showreel using FF14 assets
It looks based.
It looks fucking great and I want to play it. To hell with anyone who says otherwise.
>Final Fantasy died when it turned into generation-long cancerous growths.
>mfw 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 all came out in the span of 10 years
>new game is coming out
>itt: user projects his failed marriage onto a videogame series and admits he's a cuck.
Me super too !
They left the trailer barebones and vague which isn’t a bad thing
probably because it looks like that pizzashit MMO FF14
>inb4 AKSHUALLY it’s almost as if
fags arrive. All of those games were technological marvels for their respective release dates
Its fucking years away, will get hyped in 2022.
>zoomers are so brain rotted they genuinely couldn’t tell it was the same character in the trailer just post time skip
>>No one cares
Because they won't let go of that god awful kingdom hearts mash attack to win real time shit
This is actually a pretty succinct summary.
Never been married but this is the most apt description of the franchise that I've come across so far.
No one cares because it'll come out in 2027. Don't get hyped for SE developed games. They get close to a decade before release.
because it literally looks like a FF14 add on