Oh boy, "thousands" of games we have already played and likely already own.
Xbox really learned from last gen.
Oh boy, "thousands" of games we have already played and likely already own
Dead on arrival
The Xbox has never really ever had ANY exclusive games, its always just been sold on having better online.
I cannot WAIT to play all the great exclusives I missed out on the Xbox One
>bad backwards compat is actually a GOOD thing
Meanwhile youll be staring at an empty library with ps5
Imagine buying a new console just to play old games.
Anything wrong with a company respecting your choices and allowing you to play the games you own from last gen with better performance?
wasn't aware you've played every xbox and 360 title, my bad
yeah, better stick with the PS4
There's a ton of games I havent played on my X though
The first thing I did after upgrading my PC last year was replay Max Payne 3 on ultra setting. Sometimes people want to play the games that they own on a more powerful machine and at least the BC upgrades are free. Sony is charging 20 extra dollars for a Spiderman remaster without even upgrading ps4 owners copies.
Probably a better chance of playing something new from xbox if I went through their last 3 gens.
I'm 30, I don't have the time or really the money to drop £60 on game.
Paying £10 a month or sometimes fuck all for some games regardless how they compare is not bad, plus all my mates have the games so we can always find something to play.
I got a XBOX a few years ago, so I missed out on most games so BC has been great.
Throw in a few years of redeeming Games With Gold games along with a few months of GamePass and it's years worth games I missed out on.
It does get annoying when people praise GWG or PS+ when huge games are offered, kind of weak since they usually sell millions and most own them already. Gears of War series has sold millions while the Uncharted Trilogy is a top five best selling game yet both celebrated when offered through the services.
I am not a snoy.
BC shouldn't be the main selling point of a new console. It should just be a nice extra feature. It was standard practice from nintendo for 3 gens +handhelds.
Fucking Halo was, Halo and Gears were Xbox exclusives on their launch, man. Xbox absolutely succeeded on the strength of Halo.
It absolutely should be when their competitor is not only not doing BC with all of their previous consoles, but also charging you for a remaster for a game you most likely already own instead of just updating their ps4 version to work better in the ps5.
You don't need a new console to enjoy the benefits of gamepass.
if people ask for a definition of cope, show them this post.
4 (four) generations of Xbox and nothing worth playing
Anyone that is ok with this focus on BC/gamepass is settling for what used to be a standard industry practice.
I am not letting sony off the hook either, but xbox needs to stop this focus on hardware and BC. We need new things to be excited for. This is why they failed last gen.
Is this going to be another Xbox generation where I can't play my copy of Gun Valkyrie?
>gamepass and BC are bad
Enjoy paying 70$ for new games and remasters.
>why their last gen failed
Lol according to who, Zig Forums? Xbox is doing better than it has ever been
How long are you going to put up with choking down reheated leftovers?
>food analogy
Yeah, I have not intent to buy either Series consoles.
I'm sure backwards compatibility will continue for XBOX One, so that will be great if it does.
As opposed to the ps5 where it's only exclusive is over a decade old?
Yeah. That is a game that a lot of people missed out on (me included) and it is getting a complete overhaul. It also has above average hype being the progenitor of the souls series.
The fact that it coats $69.99 is ridiculous unless they really do a good job remaking it and add a lot. Fair point but I haven't been shilling for sony. Just shitting on xbox
But if the ps5 had BC instead of remaking DeS, they could have just done a sequel.
Xbox has always been the Halo console. The only reason you had to buy Xbox was because it had Halo and if all your friends were already on Xbox too.
If you wanted to play any game that wasn't Halo, you were better off buying Nintendo or Playstation. Everyone says the Wii U was a failed console but it at least had games, way more than the Xbox One.
so I can pop any ogxbox cd in my xbox sex and just play?
That would have been better.
I want BC+lots of new IP.
I just don't see that coming from xbox.
I really want them to succeed but reading about the rumors of H:I dev hell makes me question wtf they are doing. XSX was a complete waste of time. Why do they do these things?
Now we have soft remake of Combat Evolved that get's delayed weeks after the gameplay reveal. They had almost 5 years to get it right. Their #1 IP and they fucked it up.