I am sorry CD Projekt. Perhaps I treated you too harshly... now I truly see. This... This is Cyberpunk
I am sorry CD Projekt. Perhaps I treated you too harshly... now I truly see. This... This is Cyberpunk
Oof... I could go on about how bad this looks, but the thing that stood out to me the most is the fact that the devs think cyberpunk just means metal limbs. This is embarrassing on so many levels.
>devs think cyberpunk just means metal limbs
Cool. Go post an essay about it on your geocities cyberpunk den.
Nah, I'll just call you a tranny faggot.
Tranny faggot.
the news announcement segments were cringe
Everything else was fine. At the same time, it looked too much like GTA
Oh well, it's not like it matters, I'll be pirating it anyway
holy fuck this looks cringe
>Nigger music
It's clear their market is GTA fans
those hosts are fucking awful
>uhhh let's make them dance around while they talk to distract from our audio not syncing with the characters' lips
they're hoping, I don't know many GTA fans act actually hyped for this
This ugly bitch has to be in every game now...
Go right ahead.
*Sips Drink*
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't need good combat mechanics
>it doesn't need to have futuristic elements
>it doesn't need to not turn random twitter users into characters
>it doesn't need to have no micro transactions
>it doesn't have to be longer than The Witcher 3
cope, deny, do whatever you want. Zig Forums is not buying cyberpunk 2077
Fucking yuck...
where does he keep getting more to drink
is that the porn star who was beat up by the MMA guy?
its time to dialate, faggots
It even has afro negress! Just like every other video game...
>We want the GTA audience...
Some of these complaints don't make sense. Cyberpunks are dystopias so they SHOULD have terrible public opinions and awful politics that, yknow, lead to the dystopia.
Of course you are, because you are a mindless consoooooomer zombie. Enjoy, retard.
Who even is she(he?)?
Haha looks like it.
Its no one, its just a character design that is beyond played out. Dyke feminist Mcshithaircut.
>bioware tier animations
>no gameplay
Jesus you can tell by the way they are editing the trailer that they are trying to give the illusion of size, it's going to be fucking tiny lmao
>90% pre rendered scenes
>those janky as fuck animations
what in the god damn
At least she's fuckable
they're the new BioWare but I guess this should have always been expected since BioWare got them on their feet to begin with in the early 2000s.
I fucking love shazamposting
Nobody is surprised that retards with shit taste and 0 standards exist, nobody is trying to convince you personally.
Yeah, shes better than the negress from that Wolfenstein game... but the art design in games is just lazy now. It's all the same characters.