La Mulana 2

is the alleged difficulty just a meme? it looks charming and I really want to play it but the price won't seem to go down. the hardest games I've beaten are probably Nioh and all the FROM shit

Attached: LM2.jpg (700x490, 158.98K)

La Mulana difficulty has more to do with how cryptic it is. Figuring out what to do is the challenge, and its one of the only game that truly does not give you a hand in that regard in any way imaginable. its a 200iq game, not hard because of combat.

I literally just started La Mulana.
About an hour in. I hope it's not too hard.

Play the original La-Mulana (the freeware version, not the remake), zoomie. You'll see what a real challenge is. The FROM stuff pales in comparison.

Take notes. I cannot stress this enough. Actual, proper notes, not just the occasional steam screenshot.

I'm a bit of a retard so maybe I'll wait for a sale.

Takes a while but it's beatable without a guide now. You just have to never forget hitting everything on top of the actual local and overarching puzzles.
Early on this game had some really shitty bosses but they were mostly fixed/nerfed. The difficulty on them is a rollercoaster though, plenty of the mid game bosses are harder than the endgame ones.
Kill yourself.

>Kill yourself.
Struck a nerve, pleb?

This, desu. La Mulana adores it's cryptic hints and riddles. If you see something unusual in the background, note it down, it's probably important.

Attached: la mulana.png (600x284, 327.19K)

Just make sure you don't activate hard mode by accident or you're in for a ride.

Attached: 1533848325648.gif (184x168, 35.86K)

Look at him go

How long would you say it takes to beat la mulana without looking anything up? I remember trying it long ago and was so completely lost that I gave up.

The first one? You'll be fine until you beat maybe 3 or 4 bosses. Then you'll run around completely lost a lot, wondering "How do I get where I'm trying to go?".

Attached: 1572625947914.jpg (1920x1080, 579.55K)

80-100 hours.

La Mulana 2 is cryptic but mostly beatable without external help. La Mulana 1 is less so with some of bullshit puzzles.

If you want to try and beat it fair and square: Screenshot everything, record everything and write notes about how objects look like they relate to one another. Even things like room names can be important at times.

The difficulty in the games is mostly puzzle and a bit with bosses.

LM1 had a video that took 260 hours. There's some really bullshit one not puzzles that put Simon's quest to shame.

Fuck me. I don't think I have the patience for that.

My first playthough of the remake took about 40 hours, but I had also played the original first. 2 took me about 48 hours.

There's no shame in looking up a few solutions if you get really stuck. You should have seen the threads here when 2 first came out with everyone working together to figure out the late-game puzzles.

it is easier than the first one but not as good

Took me 75 ish hours both games.
Original not included, it took less but you can't beat that shit without a guide.

hmm I remember solving all the puzzles myself except for the Big Brother Little Brother one since they actually tell you the wrong thing that's the opposite of what you're supposed to do.

Take notes on Everything. EVERYTHING.

In LM1, while pressing down has no visual to it, it required to press down solve at least 1 of the puzzles and it's really fucking stupid. Make sure you equip every equippable item and go to Xelpud, and he will tell you about it.

If you get stuck in either game just look up the hint based guides instead of a walkthrough.

As in all puzzles or what you had played up to? I'd say the real road block puzzles are a little bit further than that, and big brother's shop isn't needed until much later. The Big Brother's shop is for more exclusive clientele. The Little Brother's shop is for regulars. is the hint and I don't see what is contradictory to it.

Oh.. by equippable I mean the usuable items

What area is that puzzle at again? I want to remember what it is.

I mean, it implies you need to find a secret shop, not that you become exclusive clientele because you are a regular.

It's exclusive, not elusive. Exclusive implies it's only available to special customers, not that it's hidden. It's still a weird puzzle all things considered since you can accidentally solve it before reading the tablet. That or solving it before opening up Twin Labs which just makes navigating confusing in general.

Don't forget about occasionally visiting Mulbruk and screenshot or write down what she says because she doesn't repeat it.

Would you recommend I skip the first and go straight to the second? I apparently already own the first so I can start playing that right away. But the second sounds like it is an easier transition.

The only real challenge I found was getting the claws to work.

Two was designed to ease in players better, but honestly you might find it harder to back to one with the very specific controls, longer screen transitions but most importantly I think you'd miss out on lore and some call backs to earlier puzzles and concepts from LM1 that appear in LM2.

t. liar

You'll appreciate the story of the second game more if you've played the first.

If you intend to play both, then play the first one before the sequel.

To beat La Mulana 1 and 2 without guides, you must literally write down everything you see. Every single thing. Every piece of text, the position of every room, every picture in every room. You must visit every NPC at every possible point in the game just in case they have something new to say. You must explore every single thing in every single room. You must make a detailed map describing in detal every single thing you found in every single room. And you must constantly read and reread every single note you take, constantly comparing the note with other notes and other things you've found, even if they don't seem like they're relevant, just in case. You must make wild leaps of logic and think outside of the box. Every single element of every single thing in the entire game, with no exceptions, is a potential element to some puzzle or another.

There WILL be a point where you're exploring and just for a second, for a split second, you think "oh I'll check out that tablet after I check this out over here". Maybe you're afraid of a trap or you're tired or you're excited. And you'll forget about the tablet. Maybe you die. And ten hours later you'll get trapped. And you'll never figure out what you did wrong. And even if you do realize you missed a tablet, you'll never find it.

La Mulana is not a game you are intended to complete alone. It's intended that you'll progress with a group of friends, all comparing notes and saying what you've found and shit. It hearkens back to the old days where you couldn't just look up solutions. Because one person WILL make a mistake, or they'll just never think of a solution to problem, and that's it. Playing La Mulana is the first step to realizing that, among other things, academia is a joke. Even for intelligent people, some thoughts will simply not occur to them.

No kidding, the claws filtered me hard, maybe because I was playing on a Laptop.

I'm not sure I intend to play both. I'm just itching for this type of game at the moment.