And the weakest link is

And the weakest link is...

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Aged like milk and the """port""" is shit

In terms of presentation and emulation quality:

Sunshine > Galaxy >>>> 64

64, aged like shit but the port is good

64 >>>> Galaxy > Sunshine

64, aged like port but the shit is milk

64 because the DS version is superior

I tried 64 and now I wish I'd just cancelled my pre order instead of ruining my nostalgic memories. What a bad game.


Milk aged like port but the "shit" is 64.

64 overrated garbage

64 because it's the soulless updated port with no BLJ or Gay Bowser.

What the hell is up with the 64 port for everyone to shit on it? It's downloading for me now, what should I expect?

>what should I expect?
The game that was fun when you were 5 isn't as fun 20 years later after you've played the superior sequels

>Quality of ports
Sunshine > Galaxy > 64
>Game quality
Galaxy > 64 > Sunshine

It's altogether a really mixed bag for me. How hard is it to just port and properly upscale old games like these?

I'm having a lot of fun with 64 but, I do wonder if I hadn't played when a kid if I would hate it. I was watching a streammer that never played it getting stuck a lot.

64, salty milk but port is coins.

This game

Nothing it's just kids who were born in 1997 and up being retarded

It really isn't that good outside of presentation.

That's because streamers are fucking low IQ dumb pieces of shit.

I've still played it now and again through the years and still like it for what it is
Hopefully I'm good

>kids who were born in 1997
What a terrible time to be born.

I 100%d 64 in about 6 hours. Had a good time. I looks better than expected in most areas.
Pro controller with it is smooth as butter.

Still fun to me. You're like those contrarian assholes who say Ocarina of Time and Link to the Past are bad just because you like the sequels better. Fuck off.

Oh cool. Wow I need to find a better Zig Forums

64, milked like shit, port the age butt

Unironically /vr/ is the board you're looking for.

LTTP is still my favorite zelda though

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Speedtrannies BTFO


The game is in stock now btw

Interdasting, thanks fren

bros 64 is so bad

Sunshine feels like shit without the analog triggers. The shitty editing on FLUDDs lines during the tutorial was laughable

Sunshine. It looks and controls like shit.

>The shitty editing on FLUDDs lines during the tutorial was laughable
Eh, there have been far worse jobs.

Galaxy feels very weak now. I’d rank Sunshine>64>Galaxy simply because the Wii games were heavily toned down in difficulty and collectibles. It’s fantastic how well Sunshine have aged.

the consoomer

Not with that framerate

>Sunshine feels like shit without the analog triggers
I'm filing this complaint under "soul and soulless".

Bro, I was born on 1999 and i had to grew up with this game because my family didn't want to buy a new console until the Wii came out.

30fps is fine for a game that was made for it.

Didn't play any of them but Galaxy > Sunshine > 64


Worst part of 64 is camera angles for sure, besides that it's a good to great platformer.

64, they used the shit version

It doesn't manage 30 when handheld and half the justification for paying $60 for this instead of emulating was "muh portability".

I have only played mario bros 2 on gba and oddysee before.
64 is unplayable for me, controls are absolute shit and levels are not fun.
Sunshine is weird, they didnt know how to put story in a mario game. Gameplay and levels are fine, but controls for shooting water are clunky. Galaxy is nice, feels like a modern polished nintendo game, probably figured out how to finally make a good 3d platformer.

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You just have shit taste then

OP didn't say strongest link.

What the fuck happened to Zig Forums, this thread is fucking horrible. I agree 64 is probably the weakest but if you think it's bad you are 16 or just full blown retarded.

But the gamecube controller had the worst implementation of triggers ever conceived.