Now that Rayman is officially dead, what did you think of his games?

Now that Rayman is officially dead, what did you think of his games?

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original + origins + legends, some of the best platformers ever made, relative to their time

desu I don't care who agrees, I'm just here to cope with how right you're are that it's dead

>tfw we will never get a new game series that's whimsical and mysterious like Rayman games

I'll always miss the Rayman games for it's unique settings that were completely unlike any other game in the entire history.

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Rayman is not dead.
the co-creator has moved on to different things.
The series is still going on

Only played Origins and Legends but they're among my favorite games ever

Rayman 2 was pretty fun, I even played the playstation 1 version and the part where you suddenly commandeer a fucking rocket enemy was the dopest shit.

I didn't like what I played of Rayman 3 at all. I didn't like the voice acting and I didn't like the weird gameplay format.

It pains me that the composer of Rayman 1 died and they never brought him back for Origins or Legends.

Does that image happen in Legends? Is it official?

It is official, but it's part of a marketing campaign the Rayman social media did for the release of the Switch version

Rayman Redemption and Revolution are god tier games

Revolution is worse than regular Dreamcast Rayman 2 unfortunately

Ubisoft would rather milk AssCreed fucking dry



I-I think... um...

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>"See you in Rayman 4!"
And I'll wait for you, for a thousand summers...

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I'll miss him

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Rayman 1 was my first ever video game, and, big coincedence, my favourite game ever. I'm happy we got the later games, many franchises weren't so lucky.

I guess it's time to
>let go

Hoodlum Havoc was my favorite. The funkyboard leves were great.

Imagine how kino a 3D Rayman 4 in this style would've been

>the co-creator has moved on to different things.
The series has two co-creators. Ancel's leaving now to escape the harassment scandal, and the other co-creator is Hascoet, who resigned earlier this summer because apparently refraining from saying he wanted to assrape female coworkers during meetings was something he just couldn't do.

The series is dead and buried, but at least you can possibly look forward to some more rabbids.

I loved the 3D games and I enjoyed the first Rayman as a kid, but the newer titles I loved a little less and still bought them and enjoyed them, although I felt like Ubisoft wasn't going to make a good decision and bring back the 3D games' playstyle and now we have zero Rayman games because there's no way to make them woke.

Why doesn't Ancel continue making games independently?

Who's to say we won't get a Rayman 2 Redemption?

Rayman 4 is being outsourced to another studio, relax

Just give Rayman to the lads that made the new Crash Bandicoot games

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i think they should remake vectorman, fuck rayman and his gay zany shit

I'll never let go of the times I had with the series. Maybe fans will raise up and make fan games to give him a new home, but until then, I'll just hold on to what I had...

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Rayman 3 hasn't been made by Michel Incel and is the best Rayman to date

He's not dead at all.

What do you think Barbara was thinking when she seen Rayman's bare butt?

It was fun while it lasted.

The last time they did that Ubisoft cucked them into bankruptcy, I don't want anymore kind souls doing their job to get fucked over by Jewbisoft.

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I hope we get 3D Rayman fangames, Redemption was a good 2D one.

At least there's Radventure

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Looks like a fetish character