Redoing the exact same level over and over to do a slightly different goal at the end is really making me appreciate...

Redoing the exact same level over and over to do a slightly different goal at the end is really making me appreciate how well Odyssey was designed in letting you continue after getting a moon. I had such good memories of this game but I've run up the bob-omb mountain four times now and everything seems small and repetitive and I'm ready to sell this collection and move on.

Attached: supermario64.jpg (800x553, 91.35K)

The camera and the being kicked out of a level when you get any star (EXCEPT the 100 coins stars and the 3 red coins stars of the Bowser levels) are the only legit problems I have with this game. I still consider it a fucking master piece but this stuff is just absolute pure shit, no excuses

I agree with you. I remember when Banjo Kazooie came out shortly after and did it the right way. But Mario 64 is still fucking great and I still replay it from time to time.

Unless you're racing Koopa the Quick, I think you can just hop in the cannon and blast at least halfway up the mountain, right? I also remember thinking it was a little less tedious to only do one or two stars from the same course in a row and then go do a different course to change things up, rather than doing the same course five or six times in a row, even if it does take a little bit longer.

You only need to go up there twice don't you?

this is why I hate this game and think it's too overrated

it's way too repetitive and annoying sometimes
why the fuck do I need to repeat the same level many times to progress?
what the fuck do I need to restart after every star?
why there are no checkpoints and I have to restart levels when I die?

it's like this game was designed to waste people time

Being forced to replay almost everything every time indeed sucks but checkpoints? Fucking checkpoints? I doubt you have completed the game if you think any course is big enough to require a checkpoint, the only level that big is Tiny-Huge Island (because it's a "double level", tiny version and huge version) and that one already has two different portraits that let you appear in the version of the level you want

the slidy controls and shitty camera sometimes make me fall off map by accidents

Am I just retarded or are wall kicks and the u jump not very responsive?

I keep ground pounding without jumping when I try to crouch for a long jump as well

you're supposed to stay in Mario cam unless you're flying or swimming, then you use lakitu cam.

because it resets the state of the level you dumbass
how can you race koopa the quick if king bobomb is up there?
where's the flagpole supposed to come from?

>nintendo can't do dynamic levels
poor small indie company

Might just be you, fren. I found the jumps to be easier than on a 64 controller back in the day.

there are mods, where you can collect all stars without exiting in-between

>but I've run up the bob-omb mountain four times now
you only need to go there twice

zoom zoom faggot

>I've run up the bob-omb mountain four times now
Why? You only need to go there to fight the King Bob-omb and during the race with the Koopa.

Because it had to fit on a cartridge the size of a jpeg dumbass.

There are Mario 64 romhacks that don't kick you out and just tell you to exit course and go back in on a different star, though they usually don't put the end of a race in the same spot as a bossfight.

Attached: 18759678357854.png (957x562, 1.23M)

>dying in mario ever

I fucking hate nu-Nintendo fans.

Attached: 1597617698611.jpg (261x193, 11.63K)

Imagine getting pleb filtered by Mario 64 of all games. Holy shit man.

That happened 24 years ago you dumb fuck, you have no idea how important this shit was because you weren’t even born.

You disgust me OP

i was designed to explore

this plus swimming feels way more clunky than i remember, and flying is pretty horrible as well. but other than those complaints the game is phenomenal even today.


>walk 3 steps


>get 2 coins

>talk to npc

nah odyssey sucks dick retard

Not a valid argument to defend a shit game. Beside, i'm 28 and probably older than you, sweety

Nope and it's kind of sad to lie to make yourself seem older than you are.

anyone have the native pc release link that came out a few month back?