Proof that the 3080 doesn't have enough ram

Ok it's 8k but its not even enough for games from 2013

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I watched this video yesterday and he said several times it isn't the lack of VRAM holding the 3080 back from 8k it's more tha it just isn't powerful enough
If you watched when he was fucking with his settings you should have seen that the VRAM usage wasnt even close to 10GB

Gta5 14gb vram usage

what an utter fucking joke lmao

4k is just starting to emerge from the shadow of being a meme resolution and now this, imagine being such a braindead faggot that you spring for 8k

with MSAA on which is completely unneeded and he later turns it off with no sacrifice to image quality

Doesn't matter it also fails for wolfenstein not enough vram again. In 4 years it will have the same problem with 4k.
Face it it needs more unless you want a 3-5 years upgrade cicale

>In 4 years it will have the same problem with 4k.
4 years is practically a new card generation. There won't be any reason to use the 3080 anymore at that point.

There are games like crysis that won't run 30 fps at 4k face it its a joke.
If people think games look like crap because of devs... It's not tech is just trash and you can't run real render scenes on anything.

>Doesn't matter
It doesn't matter to literal retards.
For everyone else, it matters.

they claimed the 3090 could play titles at 8k
why are we talking about the 3080 and 8k?
also, who the fuck is actually going to play shit at 8k right now?

So it has a shorter life then a fucking console at twice the price?

>3080 running 8k and not 3090

Attached: 1599099814176.gif (171x167, 1.21M)

Like I said it fails at 4k also thech is going nowhere fast and it hasn't for years. Enjoy 1080p forever

Most people don't even have 4k displays. No one has 8k displays. This is literally nothing.

Are you new to this whole PC thing?
3080 is going to get outclassed by the 3080 super then the 3080ti
If you buy now expecting the highest end card to play every single game at 4k 60 you're stupid

Nobody will ever play games at 8k until 8k VR headsets are a thing. You need a HUGE screen to get benefit out of 8k. My 65" TV has very little difference between 4k and 1440p. The only thing I could see 8k being useful for is a small movie theater screen.

It can't run 4k well enough as is. In the past when you bought something this expensive it would run games well above the framerate of consoles. Now you pay 700 for 45fps

Most people have 4k its 400$ and if you don't your economically dead. You're probably from a poor place like the US

im fine with 1080p though?

There's not a single 4K TV/Monitor in my household and I'm from Canada, nobody gives a shit about changing to 4K and it will be years before it becomes the standard, get fucked.

Generally the idea with PC hardware to keep it for two years max and then sell it for $100 less to buy the new model.

Gaming is always about graphics. Face it story is a joke and so is gameplay in most AAA games. All you have is graphics you can't settle for 1080p if you want to be happy

I'm from Boston and it's near impossible to even find a TV that isn't 4K in stores. Canada is just 10 years behinds.

Poor like I said. I don't know a single person without one

No, its called having to not use max settings 4k if you want to play the latest high end PC game with an old model GPU.
Games will still be plenty playable.

i have two crt's

Except they announced 16gb versions just now

is that proxy paige on the left in the video thumbnail?

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>First thing he says in the video is "ok i know it's 8K but"
Closed the tab immediately, kill yourself op

So you are homeless and that's what you used to make your tent?

Who the fuck would use MSAA at 8K? Unless you have a movie theatre sized screen, you wouldn't need AA at all.

>Runs the game at a meme resolution while knowing that the 3080 isn't rated for it
>Surprised that it doesn't run well
Why are these people so fucking dumb?

Dude I am just some poor college student and even I have had a 4k TV since 2016.
Canada is just way behind the times if what you say is true.

Attached: Sort of Poor College Student 2.jpg (3999x3238, 3.45M)

i don't even play video games on them just watch skate videos, why would i need a stupid 400000$ graphics card for "gaming"

Fails in wolfenstein also Witcher i think

people like you are holding back progress, im sure you probably voted for trump too.
8k, dlss, and rtx are the future not gimmicks or "memes"... go buy a console if you dont like it, dipshit

4K isn't the standard anywhere. You're literally retarded and trying to justify your pointless investment.

lmao u aint poor retard

Allocation isn't use. They allocate it for convenience.