>these three consoles contain 98% of all worthwhile consoles games ever in their catalogs
What went wrong?
>these three consoles contain 98% of all worthwhile consoles games ever in their catalogs
What went wrong?
women were allowed in gaming
your brain
PS3 was great in the early days when poorfags couldn't play it.
Every single cuckstation is a shitty, cheaply made consoyle with no games.
elaborate, never owned a ps3
you have to be 18+ to post here, underage favgo
if you replace psx with n64, then yes. psx had had metal gear solid and SOTN and that's about it. spyro and crash are shit, final fantasy is shit
>These three consoles where the ones I owned at an impressionable age
he said 'worthwhile' games, user
not popular ones
tekken 3 is still cool
armored core is awesome