These three consoles contain 98% of all worthwhile consoles games ever in their catalogs

>these three consoles contain 98% of all worthwhile consoles games ever in their catalogs

What went wrong?

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women were allowed in gaming

your brain

PS3 was great in the early days when poorfags couldn't play it.

Every single cuckstation is a shitty, cheaply made consoyle with no games.

elaborate, never owned a ps3

you have to be 18+ to post here, underage favgo

if you replace psx with n64, then yes. psx had had metal gear solid and SOTN and that's about it. spyro and crash are shit, final fantasy is shit

>These three consoles where the ones I owned at an impressionable age

he said 'worthwhile' games, user
not popular ones
tekken 3 is still cool
armored core is awesome

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The PS1 is garbage. Why do people believe this? Were you around back then?

Ps2 was the last console Sony ever made. Ps3 and Ps4 are actually PCs.

PS3 had weird custom architecture and was nothing like a PC, moron.

this. it's technology could actually launch fly and explode

PS1 and PS2, agree.
SNES had a more even split with the Genesis though. I would say 70/75% worthwhile on SNES at most.

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replace psx with N64 and you have a deal

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N64 had like three good games, PS1 had hundreds

Explain why you think PS3 is like a PC.

three good is better than hundreds bad

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The thread is about quantity retard

>What went wrong?
Your taste stagnated inside that bubble you live in


Where is the NES in that photo?
The NES has more actual games than the ps

Nah it's all samey clunky shit, very rough and SNES has superior alternatives to pretty much everything worth a damn on the NES


N64 was lacking in a couple of genres like 2D games, RPGs, rhythm games, etc.
Plus it just had a smaller library overall. PS1 had almost 8,000 total games while N64 didn't even break 300 within a single region.

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You're just like blizzard trying to claim Guild Wars isn't an MMO so they could say WoW had no competition.

It's probably more like 70%
The rest is on GB/GBA/DS

He said consoles, not handhelds

Nah he’s right. The NES laid the groundwork but major franchises like Zelda, Metroid and Final Fantasy really hit their stride in the 16-but era.

>98% of all worthwhile consoles games in their catalog
98% of "worthwhile" games, which can absolutely be a small number given it's only three consoles


get rekt

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10 good and hundreds bad is better 3 good and 3 bad faggot.

No, it's about taking the total number of all console games ever regardless of gen or manufacturer, then filtering out only the worthwhile ones, then looking at which consoles you can play the worthwhile ones on. I'd say the trio in the image has about several hundreds worth of good games, while every other console combined has a couple dozen at best.


it sure got rekt

supply and demand ruins games

things deteriorate over time due to supply and demand
the masses like crappy shit so only crappy shit is gonna be supplied

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Actually 98% can only be 49 or more.

High barrier to entry, the only people to play with were other wealthy people instead of mic spamming 12 year old black and mexican kids.

Alright, what good games does the PS1 have? I haven't touched 5th gen aside a few games on the Saturn, but people always wank the PS1 constantly.

Congratulations, you just posted the 2% missing
Consoles can be cancelled now.

>films ruined
>games ruined
>anime ruined
>music ruined

all due to supply and demand. if the crappy shit is more profitable that's that companies are gonna make

Honestly, I was a Genesis fag for most of my life but after diving deeper into the SNES library it just vastly eclipses that of the Genesis. No matter how many games on the SNES I play new ones I didn't even know existed keep popping up, the Genesis just doesn't have that kind of depth.


that's what companies are gonna *

The PS4 seriously has no fucking games compared to the PS2. it's staggering.

ps2 is the only console i play

it has 4000 games so i'll never run out of games to play

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If you're talking about all games through history, you can't really exclude multi-plats, which there have been dozens good ones over the years.

Genuine question: Are most PCfags on Zig Forums from outside the U.S.? So many posters on this board seem to be under the impression that it’s still common for people to have a desktop computer at home.

Nobody would've demanded the shit of today without preparations

If it was released on PC, it's not a console game. Console-only multiplats are few and far between.