Why is this game so popular all of a sudden?
Among Us
youtube but it is a fun little game. I'm going to start throwing rounds and accuse everyone since i never get imposter
maybe ask your eceleb you faggots worship.
Because people pay money to strike deals with influencers who force their products on their zombie tier fans that move on from one game to the next every month.
That's why fall guys is already forgotten.
Flavor of the month baby.
because we are playan at CLGRTQ
if you want a real answer is because it makes ecelebs play with other ecelebs, and retards like that
company pays streamers to play game
10 year olds that watch twitch then buy game and play it
that starts a culture around the game and then other people jump in
its a shit game though
let's gooo
because people like seeing ecelebs interact
kinda like how people like dogfighting, the arena doesnt matter but the dogs biting eachother to death is cool
I can watch my favorite streamer yell and scream! YAY!
its the next new hotness like how fall guys what the last hotness next month it will be something else
It seemed to pop off with YouTube memes and streamers. I wonder what the devs reaction was when they woke up one morning and saw their player numbers went from like a 7k peak to 200k peak.
It's honestly a very fun game when you get 10 friends together in discord so you can weave your webs of deceit when you roll impostor.
I don't understand why people play this game with randoms, it doesn't really fulfil the experience at all.
It's a fun game, if you have 9 other friends, I bet most people here don't like it.
This was an indie game made by like 5 guys.
>Game released in 2018
>Zoomers only care when their little e-celeb plays it
Host some NA lobbies faggots.
we got plenty of retards in here
Fake card swippers welcome
what is that supposed to prove they still paid to have it shilled by streamers
this adhd faggot kills his crewmates faster than the impostors could
and to answer your question: e-celebs
Its hilarious how fast fall guys died
9/10 polus
among us came out two years ago and first exploded in popularity in korea and eventually made it back in the west a couple of weeks ago
nobody was paid for anything
Same reason as fall guys. FOTM streamer bait
Its a streamer game, I doubt its all that popular amongst normal gamers, with friends or not.
Because Town of Salem's shit the bed and the dev's said they have no intention of fixing it.
nigger I had like 15 steam friends playing it at once
fucking this.
i hate zoomer so much!
i would understand if the game got some sort of major overhaul from its initial launch but its literally the same game that was released back then.
There's no way they have enough money to pay literally all the top streamers.
it's the third most played game on steam right now, behind CSGO and Dota and ahead of Rocket Liege, Siege, TF2, PUBG, GTAV or CK3.
What's the problem with being made aware of a good game after it's been out a while? It's not like people didn't care until streamers played it, they didn't know it exists.
The only way a game like that could stay relevant is if they kept releasing new courses at least once a week.
It was doomed from the beginning.
I didn't know this game existed until it became popular through streamers.
That being said I've found it extremely fun and I'm happy that it became popular because I genuinely have fun playing it with my friends or in Zig Forums games. I avoid public games like the plague though.
>Stupig nigger votes me.
>"I voted you becasue I didn't liked you".
I hope among us 2 requieres a mandatory IQ test.
play on PS4, PC players have always played games like this because thats all there is, my point stands
It's a feedback loop. PDP viewers, who are actual children, play the game because PDP played it. Then you get Zig Forumsfags who realize that the game has no report system or anything like that and just go in to grief.
Really it's amazing we haven't gotten hackers yet.
The game wasn't doing so well so they paid for a little rebirthing of among us.
When will he stop playing this shitty scuffed version of murder/TTT? It was neat at first but Jesus he's milking it so much.
yeah bro they were playing the long game and instead of advertising when the game actually came out, they decided to wait for two years and then pay korean streamers in hopes of getting the attention of english streamers
this game is so fucking obnoxious I'm going to buy hacks day 1 when they come out
suck my dick twitch zoomers
fall guys is only forgotton because season 2 hasn't started and everyone stopped playing to wait for it
any rooms?
there's electrical and admin, for starters
9/10 get in
Flavor of the month, poor Fall Guys must already be dropping numbers
the type of game it is lends itself well to streaming. it has a human element to it and is endlessly replayable
remember that secret hitler is super popular on Zig Forums and its basically the same game
Because of the guy in your pic. Its literally all he plays now, he has somehow been able to play this shit game all day everyday for the past 2 weeks.
How is this guy such a bot, how is he not bored? He constantly ignores good games but can play trash like this and Fall Guys for 100s of hours.
Good luck, all lobbies are moderated by the host and they'll just ban your ass.
Because the reddit zoomers turned their ADHD buttons on and got autistic over it, making autistic memes and such.
Don't be like that, user.
You're better than that.
I've been doing this ever since I started playing and its unreal how mad people get.