
>Straight port of the console version
>no manual lean
>Removed keybindings from the original
>no mods or multi or expansion added

Crysis thread.

Attached: Crysis_Remastered-art.jpg (1920x1080, 500.57K)

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Can you at least switch to Speed mode without sprinting?

>no manual lean
wait what why

didn't they take the parallax occlusion mapping out as well so the textures look flat as fuck?

only through the suit power wheel. but yeah. There's also a disjarring armor UI effect added when you use armor mode.

It's time to admit that Crysis was always a meme game that people only liked because of the graphics. No one remembers it for any other reason because it had monotonous gameplay with braindead AI, vapid characters and an anticlimactic story.

Yep. And wind physics. And water simulation

the gunplay was revamped too. new sounds and everything but still the same damage model.

IMO its a fine game until you get to the aliens. The aliens are fucking terrible enemies and the levels all become much more linear.

no the gameplay was fun (until the ayy lmaos)
max strength to punch people across the map
setting traps with explosive barrels
ruining around at sanic speeds and bumping into people and ragdolling them
destructible shacks and shit in the jungle
running people over in vehicles
stealth sniping


for fucks sakes whats the fucking point, what were these retards doing

Attached: really.png (668x515, 506.94K)

>bumping into people and ragdolling them
I swear I could do that in OG Crysis, but when I try that in Warhead it just instakills me.

Yeah, its clear they just slapped a coat of paint over a few of the assets and added in as many standard effects missing from the original 2007 release like Screen Space Reflections, then called it a day.
Crysis was always a game screwed over by CPU optimization because Crytek at the time thought processors would continue ramping up frequency higher and higher, instead of plateauing and going for many more cores. And not addressing that in Remastered means it will still run like shit.

Crysis 2 is better in every way

because it's a console port, even the mouse aim/wasd movement is emulated analog and it feels disgusting as fuck

also removed volumetric clouds, volumetric flashlights, and particle lighting

a big disgrace

I had expected a full port to Cryengine V, but I think it's still CE2

Attached: no particle lighting.jpg (2560x1440, 754.01K)

>Original release is still literally broken on Steam and needs a fan patch to even run
>Remaster is somehow even worse
What a shitshow

lol no literally the worst one
Warhead > 1 > 3 > 2

You're talking about Cryengine 2 Crysis, this shit is Cryengine 3 Crysis(Console Version) with supposedly better CPU optimization

Armor mode was the default mode in Crysis 1, did they change it Hexagon Mode from 2?

It had the best multiplayer.
Campaign doesn't really feel like it belongs with what the first game was known for, but it was a nice focused pace. Cloak was busted though.

>Cryengine 3
>From 2009
They really put no effort at all into this, didn't they? No wonder even that cash guzzling failure Star Citizen abandoned cryengine.

origin version comes with the 64-bit binary

>tutorial teaches you suit modes right away instead of strength to jump the cliff and cloak to evade the patrol
>prone removed
>first guy on the rock doesn't move like he should, his buddy just stares into the water
>always in strength mode by default instead of armor mode
>can't sprint without super speed so the part where you learn to sprint after aztec is broken and you just whiz past him, aztec doesn't even run faster anymore
>AI has extra powerful x-ray vision
>guy pissing into the water on the pier at first light is removed (SJW?)
>reinforcements never arrive if you alert the flare guy

this myth is extremely dumb, as expected from dumb shit said by console reviewer dicksucker digital foundry who can't stop gushing about crysis but doesn't know the first thing about it. Crysis scales to 4 cores, most of it on 3 cores, but it does benefit a bit from the fourth. it's one of the earliest games to support quad core at all. obviously it doesn't scale to modern 6, 8, 10 cores etc. multithreading is hard and back then it wasn't much known how to multithread a game, but they still made it work somewhat.

Yep. 2 was such a soulless sequel, it had "EA meddling" written all over it. The butchering of Maximum Speed was my biggest gripe.

>>prone removed

lumberyard is literally cryengine 3 with AWS integration and scaleform removed

I remember both 2 and 3 had strength mode be framerate dependent because lol console game locked to 30fps. I wonder if it's still framerate dependent in remastered.

I agree

ironically the best version is the pirated one

(I'll assume you meant speed) You mean you would go even slower with lower framerate? Christ, is was already just glorified sprint.

You'd kill yourself using maximum speed in an urban city.

They just wanted EZ Switch port money and tried to hype it up with a "Remaster" title and a PC launch. It's an absolute scam, but considering Crytek hasn't made any thing good other than Crysis and closed a bunch of studios, can't blame them for trying to survive with shit like this

Going slow is worse than death.

Crysis was always a bad game that richfags pretended was fun so they could gloat.

reinstall original pirated crysis and apply the anisotropic fix, supersample it a bit and bam.

Attached: 2020.07.02-00.00_01.jpg (2560x1440, 1.53M)

it's pretty trivial to mod speed faster in crysis 2 and you're wrong, it's just slow because it has to look and feel like call of duty

no I mean strength mode, you have to hold the button for strength jump and punch, at high framerates it's so sensitive you can't even jump or punch normally only use all your energy on it.

the entire suit logic is completely fucked up besides that in crysis 2, and only marginally better in 3.

they really took all the color out of it in remastered fuck

remember to tweak the draw distance and shadow resolution in your configs, and disable texture streaming because that was optimized for 256mb vram


Damn, that's nice.

Original Crysis 1, whenever the game is in fullscreen it tries to default the refresh rate to the lowest my monitor can do (24hz on a TV, 60 on a 144hz panel).
Anyone know how to fix this so I am not playing in window mode the whole time?


Has anyone tested the ray tracing yet? Does it work "properly"? Is the software version as good as the Neon Noir demo?

Attached: 1600390575818.png (774x677, 437.52K)

why did they tease this if it wasn't true?


Attached: 1418443296463.jpg (396x353, 31.77K)

There are also configs around that let you have all the fancy dx10 effects under the much better performing dx9 mode at zero visual loss.

i dont get it, how did they do it in 2007? fucking euros out of all people aswell

I think the highest refresh rate option in nvidia driver should do it, dunno about amd

make a custom resolution in your control panel and select it ingame

Its technically true, but the game would never run close to real time like that.

>zero visual loss
except for a bunch of shaders being fucked up because you literally couldn't run them in dx9

Because consoles are inferior for literally every genre of video game except shitty normalfag 3rd person shooters

The moment they announced it was a current gen remaster I knew it would be shit
They just wanted to cash in on that 100M install base instead of making the best technical marvel of its time

it's a totally remade level with way higher quality, it's a complete lie. and it's running in realtime in the video, cryengine V is good as fuck. I don't know why they didn't port it to the latest cryengine.


Attached: crysis core scaling.png (451x272, 4.92K)

because then they would have to remake the game in the new engine instead of just copy-pasting

>you literally couldn't run them in dx9
Yes they could, they run all perfectly fine under dx9, they got artificially disabled because crytek was paid to shill for vista.

no it's wrong, a bunch of shaders like motion blur don't work in dx9 and look all fucked up. they did disable some things artificially like color grading and draw distance but the shaders legit couldn't run

>no manual lean
>prone removed



they just stopped caring about what the hardware could actually do, and crammed as much new tech in there as possible. hence the meme.

>no manual lean
>Removed keybindings from the original