Thoughts on Mother 3

Thoughts on Mother 3

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It was okay.

better than mother 4

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remaking the game probably made it way better than what we were going to get on the 64/DD
right at the height of indie games Zig Forums was going fucking ballistic for M3
also coomatora

more bearable than any Undertale game

The trannie things made me drop it.. grossed me out abit

Duster is literally me

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Took a whole more significance into my life after my Mother died less than a year after I played it for the first time.

Worse on the melodrama scale but still pretty good.

are you 5?

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I play it little by little

>t. Digusting tranny

Haven't played any of the games in the mother series, should I play the first game? no one seems to talk about it and skip right to earthbound. Also, the graphics kinda throw me off a bit, it's supposed to get very dark isn't? how do you ignore how goofy this game looks kinda too nice a friendly?

who the fuck gets grossed out by cartoon pixels on a screen???

WhY are you gay I guess you wouldn’t mind deformed mutant cocks smashing against the screen the whole time and cunning all over it while you play sense it’s just pixels

back to Zig Forums faggot

subversive communist propaganda

Its pretty much a proto earthbound. Less locations and they're scrambled in a different order, but its pretty much the same game. Kinda interesting if you're a fan of the series, but it has sudden spikes in difficulty and rng bs that nes rpgs are known for. I liked it ok, but if it was the first game in the series I tried, I probably wouldn't have been a fan

i hate trannies and even i didnt care, they arent supposed to be transvestites theyre just genderless beings. its the LGBT community that ruined flamboyant men to be gay and boyish girls to be lesbian.

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Libtard: the game
>Communism good
>Drag Queen story hour good
>Evil people good

take your meds

Kek or Cringe?

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So these are motherfags huh keep crying tumblrina hamplanent and keep schitzoing about Zig Forums rent free you gay retard trannyfaggot
okay itoi

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trannies fucking hate the magypsies though


I really do hope it's good, but there's a very strong possibility it won't be. I can't imagine how they'll pull off a decades-long hodgepodge successfully, but all the power to them if they can. The game certainly looks nice.

>genderless beings
Sounds like your sipping the tumblr juice no such thing exists they are overrlety fags in ladies clothing who think they are lady they are trannyfaggot keep crying

great game. The Mother series is literally the only one in vidya with well-written stories, although Mother 3's story has some flaws that make it inferior to Earthbound's

Mother 3 is cringe but Earthbound is kino.

Probably because they look like them kek complete with the beard and faggot behaviour