Will they have a collection too?

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The only thing being collected are all you holoniggers into a camp.

Rare Replay.

They'd better improve the fps if they make one.

If I had to guess, I think the best we will ever get is a release on PC

They did already. Xbox is the best way to play Tooie.

Banjo was never good

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daddy m$ won't multiplat it

I don't think they'll get remastered, nuts and bolts was such a black sheep compared to the first two, it'd feel weird for them to be together. If it had stayed a collectathon platformer, maybe.

Just port the XBLA versions to PC and call it a day

Deal with it nintendie, get an xbox if you want to play xbox games


Back to >vtuberfags have shit taste
Color me surprised, then again you were the same fags unironically shitting on doom and calling the fans trash so its just predictable at this point

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The vTuber thing has already guaranteed the future of the B&K franchise. You might not like it, but that's how it is.

if yooka laylee funding a fuck ton off of kick starter didn't do anything than nothing will


They already have one retard

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the OP isn't even the token bitch nigga

>Xbox is the best way to play Tooie.

They don't let you use the fast walk cheat code. Hard pass

>still no windows version
what the fuck microshit


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It's called Rare Rapelay and they should port it to Windows.

I can get Kazooie since the Xbox version keeps all notes saved like Tooie, but how is Tooie better? Framerate?


Framerate makes the game massively better to play given how big all the worlds are you have to walk around. Backtracking is nowhere near as annoying as on the n64

Eekum bokum

You can't have a banjo kazooie collection without banjo pilot and pic related. Who else played this game? It took me like a few days to 100% back when I first got it, could probably do it in less than 8 hours these days.

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I don't remember shit from this game, but I'm pretty sure I liked it.

Rare replay has butchered versions of the games. I want the originals not widescreen zoomer shit.

My mom said the same thing when showed her gameplay when she asked what I was playing. I showed her the screen and said it looked like shit. But it was pretty fun.

>I want the originals not widescreen zoomer shit.

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