Why aren't you playing Vib Ribbon Zig Forums?
Why aren't you playing Vib Ribbon Zig Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>New Vib game using your search history.
I can only handle so much cute-kino, i'd probably have a heart attack
you think Vibri is really cute user?
just look at the way this mother fricker is animated, and her dumb little voice
honestly one of the cutest characters ive ever come across, and such a simple design too
i never even processed that vibri was a girl my whole life until that last thread, and now i can't stop thinking about it
please stop
Why are we not allowed to talk about video games and video game characters user?
No one has given a shit about this game in decades. Why are there so many threads popping up now?
Simpler times
fuck you niggger
If you absolutely must phonepost, at least learn how to save images properly.
How much time would it take to make a Just Shapes and Beats game but with Vibri? It's got the perfect balance of gameplay and music.
The vibri threads will continue until PS5 has games
Because it's furshit. Now fuck off back to
>tfw no PC port with DirectInput/XInput/Windows.Gaming.Input support that also recognizes CD, DVD-A, SACD, HFPA, MP3, FLAC, OGG, WAV, AAC and ALAC
God I wish I was rich so I could fund shit like this.
Damn. I guess 80% of video games in the eorld need to be moved to
how the hell is this furshit
vib check
What's your favorite thing about Vibri Zig Forums?
her bunny c*nny
She doesn't have c*nny though.
I'm impressed the last thread lasted a whole 24 hours and hit bump limit. Zig Forums isn't all bad it seems.
Now that mods are deleting Cave Story threads sight I guess I'll hang out here
Wow why
because they're furry or some shit
the real reason is I'm not allowed to have any comfy place to talk about cute games I like
Why are tranny jannies getting so uppity lately? Do we really need another /sp/ moment?
some more garbage oc
fix that handwriting, can't read shit user.
Yeah my handwriting is even worse than my drawing
Maybe I'll take some kind of corrective course
>Vibri not wearing undergarments
>lines are furshit
the rent free meme is real
There's one or two Vibri threads annually that hit bump limit. It's like a tradition for us now.
i wanna fuck those lines
apologies, coomershit for people with autism who are incapable of making athread without low quality bait