PS5 Projected to Surpass 200M Lifetime Sales
Is this even possible or are the Japs fucking insane? Not even the most popular handheld has surpassed 200M sales, let alone a console.

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>Is this even possible or are the Japs fucking insane?
Why not both?

People are fucking insane for this piece of plastic.

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They’re relying on brainwashed snoys to buy this shit

damn that's 200m more than the amount of games it has

That's pretty impressive only based on hype and consumer loyalty. The games announced so far don't make me wanne jump in for at least a year at least...

Projections are stupid. Remember how Atari thought the 2600 version of Pacman would be SO successful they made 12 million copies when they'd only sold 10 million systems? Or when Devil May Cry was put on ice because DMC4's sales were initially projected by Capcom to be DOUBLE DMC3's (7 million, a figure that only would work if every single person who bought DMC3 would buy 2 copies of DMC4) and were disappointed by a 'mere' 5 million?
Irrational projections push stocks but ultimately do more harm than good.

Stupid japs are in for surprise.

And Hillary won with 98%

PS5 will sell more than the PS3 but less than the Wii & PS4

save this post because you faggots are still gonna be here 7 years from now

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fuckin based

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>200M Lifetime Sales
Nothing will ever surpass the PS2 and that sold 156 million. Not even Neokiketrashitpisstendo's normalfa + toddler + retirement + retard home Waggle Piss could sell more than 106 million units and that piss of slant eyed kikepig shit was considered a cultural phenomenon where even your god damn fucking alcoholic uncle was talking about during thanksgiving.

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>PS5 will sell more than the PS3
retard alert

Sans is based

>200m sales
What are the rest of the 7 billion people doing with their lives?

____ ______ ____!

>Economy is fucked in lot of places.
>overpriced box.
>70 bux games.

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Whitu piggus just not do undelstandu. PS5 forded over 1000 times.

why wouldn't it user? I liked the PS3 more than the PS4 but the system was an absolute shitshow at launch and it only managed to catch up in the last couple of years but was still way behind the PS1&2

>chinkmarket was what skyrocketed the PS4's sales
You fucking morons don't get it. It will sell insanely well WITHOUT you. It's China's console now.

If people buy it and just play multi-plats, they still bought the console retard.
Exclusives on consoles have a relatively small influence between xbox/playstation and most people will just get what they always have or their friends have.

Holy shit, obvious bot thread.

dunno why you replied to me lol

>are the Japs fucking insane?
They are very sane since they left PS boat long ago. It's California now.


>over 200M Lifetime Sales
not gonna happens
The PS4 was cheaper and launched with much more hype and no big competition and still only get 120 million sold.

Just because the PS5 has no exclusives, it will still have FIFA, 2K and COD at launch, those alone are console sellers.

The PS4 was not cheaper, especially if you factor in inflation.

It was cheaper and stronger than the Xbone. The PS5 is the weaker console this time and it's the same price as the Series X. Microsoft also has a cheaper discless console and an amazing service in gamepass. The deck is stacked against Sony this round, the best they can hope for is an even split of console sales with Xbox like with the 360 and PS3. The PS5 will not outsell the PS4, competition is too strong for that to happen.

It wont surpass 50

Playstation always wins baby

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At the risk of being accused of "cope" the stronger console doesn't win because it's stronger, that's irrelevant to the mass market. People seem to think that the xbone was a major contender right up until mattrick fucked the goose live on stage when in reality Microsoft just had a highly temporary boost in the 360 years because Sony wanted WAY too much money, Most importantly they threw away all their goodwill for YEARS before the xbone. No, the Xbox brand was dying before mattrick, and sony was there to pick up the slack.
Point being the X isn't going to win because it's the same price and more powerful. It's pretty much dead in the water. If Sony doesn't kill it, then Microsoft THEMSELVES killed it with the S. The S has a *chance* of winning because it's super cheap and gamepass might con a generation into indentured servitude.

4K Switch out in 2018!

sounds like a meme. but its actually possible if the Chink market is growing. Chinas populations is bigger than all first world countries combined. There is a reason sony is getting all these chinks to make games for playstation