Next gen console thread

>*** gentlemen edition ***
>Tell us which console you're getting and what games you're looking forward to, BUT you have to say at least one good thing about the competitor. No "lol xbox has no games" or posting the Playstation gay parade webm or whatnot

PS5: Demon Soul looks GREAT, I really wish it was a multiplat. I really love HZD 2's settings with the tropical theme they seem to go for

Getting the SeX personally because I just hate the PS5 controller and I became sortof a graphic whore since I got my 4K tv and BoneX. A lot of games looked really great but imo 30fps has to go. Going from nuDoom 60fps to something like Farcry 4 at 30fps just plain sucks. I really wish MS will focus on fps no matter what, even if that means lowering the resolution to 1440p or lower

Really looking forward to Cyberpunk obviously, Chorus, Call of the Sea, Hellblade 2 and Rider's Republic. I also want to know what's the so called "AAAA game" that's being made by The Initiative studio

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Demon Souls will be a multiplat. It's pretty much confirmed at this point.

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None. There's no game in these that I want to play yet.

Cannot place that WTC sized POS in my living room. Not a ficking chance. Plus, 80 euro games, kek get fucked.

Not to mention "variable freq" for GPU and CPU and I am nopeing the fuck out.

XSX for sure, looks kino with power to match.

Say something good about PS5 user, thats the way this thread works

PS5, but not at launch.

I don't really have any interest in anything xbox is doing, their gamepass is good shit and things like that, but none of their exclusives really interest me.

Nice controller. Finally not made for japanese shemales.

get the fuck in here sex bros, are ya preorderin on the 22nd?

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I personally won't be getting either for the first time in my life. Xbox has been outstanding under Phil Spencer even if their exclusives have been a little lackluster. Playstation has the new Spider-Man which looks good, other than that if I'm completely honest it isn't offering much to me.
(For reference I grew up on Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 (sold it within 6 months), PS4).

I'm just happy Xbox exclusives are on PC and Sony is starting to follow.

Personally I won't be pre-ordering it.
Instead, on november 19th I will go to a store and walk out with picrelated. Will be a great fucking day. I personally smoke weed only a few times per year, but I'm definately gonna DUDE it up on that evening

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