Thailand (AKA: Real China) gives TLOU2 their lowest score of all time

Attached: Screenshot_2020-09-18 6eWZYu6 png (PNG Image, 887 × 328 pixels).png (869x256, 136.36K)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-09-18 【PS】異域神兵 - 巴哈姆特.png (1127x280, 115.63K)

4.2 out of 5 is "lowest score"??? So they were giving every shit 4.5 or something?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-09-18 【PS2】大神 - 巴哈姆特.png (1194x341, 163.13K)

the place of ladyboys gave a ladyboy game a low score?
is tlou2 secretly redpilled?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-09-18 【N64】薩爾達傳說:時之笛 - 巴哈姆特.png (1197x267, 123.58K)


user you are confused

they seem to have their shit together pretty good so far

That's Taiwanese you fucking idiot. Americans are the stupidest pieces of shit on this board

Attached: Screenshot_2020-09-18 【PS2】零~紅蝶~ - 巴哈姆特.png (1198x301, 161.66K)

Are you unironically unable to distinguish Thailand from Taiwan?


they say the truth as nobody will cancel them on twitter

wtf I love the fake China now.

keep samefagging
one day you will save playstation

>save playstation
from winning? lol

I think the entire Far East doesn't like this particular style of drama, i.e. unlikable people screaming at each other while covering themselves in shit.

who like this kind of drama desu
apart from playstation collectors who swallow any shit I don't think anyone wants that

thats taiwanese you fucking smoothbrain

Attached: 1594084703657.png (667x375, 419.61K)


Not even a burger would get this confused

>Confuses Taiwan for Thailand

>Thailand and Taiwan are the same country
do burgers really



They're both rightful PRC clay.

So what’s the negative review say???

Ladyboys hate TLOU2.

let it go already


>implying I give a shit about dog eating chinks

I'll bet, in TLOU2 they have boyladies instead of ladyboys.



what did they say about it?