Defend this

defend this

Attached: Crithittf2.png (311x364, 41.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

heavy is a fat bald sack of shit he deserved it
he refuses to share his food with any of the rest of the crew

>tf2 is dead
defend this

Attached: 1599834519416.gif (326x296, 3.36M)

If you got hit by a crit you were getting hit anyway, thus the failure is on YOU and not the RNG.

Attached: smugret.png (462x544, 257.02K)

It's fun.

>not even 25, looks over 30
>cried over the ending of Alyx

Defend this

Attached: 1550172119538.png (750x650, 262.57K)

Attached: 5342.gif (327x200, 284.82K)


Attached: 0a3.png (600x930, 943.04K)

Fat fuck deserves it

y tf are you capping?

Attached: friendly.jpg (1280x720, 94.32K)

tf2 was designed from the start with random crits and asymetrical spawn timers. how are people still mad about it after 13 years lmao.

but the youtube shitters and the quake pro wannabes told me crits were bad!

idk heavies are usually bros
they're usually memers and memers don't give a shit and gladly share their sandviches and bananas

>e-celeb boogeyman
is this seriously the only argument critfags have?

the game was intended to be wacky / arcadey, not competitive, and the RNG was an attempt to maintain that

That specific scenario? A point blank scattergun shot deals as much damage as a crit bat swing anyway. A heavy that was that low on health was as good as dead already.

At least he didn't age worse than yanderedev

>is this seriously the only argument critfags have?
is this seriously the only argument non-critfags have?

so, is it?

Is it?


>""""""Competitive"""""" TF2 exists

Yeah, it's sad

Back when shooters could be fun and not give a fuck about competitive viability

not an argument :)

yes it is

he's bound to age horribly within the next 5 years

Attached: hahahhahaha.png (1213x342, 96.97K)

What melee should I equip for my direct hit+buff banner loadout?

>Electra, get ready

Attached: [Worried laughter].jpg (520x678, 68.75K)

it's like he thinks it'll magically happen overnight
what do you think he does for a "workout"

post yfw Uncle faggot will NEVER get crits removed

Literally who