If Kamoshida is supposed to be so evil, why did he offer Joker a ride?

The phantom thieves didn't make up his crimes, they made him confess them. If he wasn't evil he wouldn't have anything to confess.
He's a rapist and you're a retard if you think thats "morally grey".

Anne was an attention whore who wanted to be raped and fantasized about it nonstop.

>He's a rapist and you're a retard if you think thats "morally grey".
What was that shit about shadows being public perception and not the real you?

Rape isn't morally grey because women don't have rights, least of all sexual ones.

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>they made him confess them. If he wasn't evil he wouldn't have anything to confess.
Good point. I mean nobody in the history of the world has extracted a false confession using violence against a person after all.

Look at that jaw.
What a Chad.

Dangerously based

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>if hitler is supposed to be so evil, then why did he like playing with dogs?
If you’re serious, then you sound as moronic as this, if you’re not, good joke and top kek or whatever

>What was that shit about shadows being public perception and not the real you?
It was nothing, that's literally the exact opposite of what it was. The shadow was the "true self". Now I know you are a retard.

Huh, I remember him only offering it to Ann though.

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