I'm laughing my ass off as I type this...

I'm laughing my ass off as I type this. Games like the last of us 2 and death stranding have SPOILED zoomers and this new port of mario 64 fucking shows. Little kids don't know that when playing games you have to have some suspension of disbelief, they see mario outside the castle and go
they dont imagine in their mind of a huge castle brimming with soul and it's quite sad they wont get to enjoy this masterpiece because the levels are "boring" you're supposed to fill in the gaps in your head of whats there, it's an actual adventure that you're essentially making yourself in your mind and its how the personalized meme came to be. I've already seen videos and guides online explaining how to get into the secret wing cap stage and the little secret water room, kids must have it rough being this ADHD ridden they can't appreciate masterpices. Quite sad.

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agreed, zoomers are not based and redpilled

Zoomers love Super Mario 64 though.

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i hope they do. Saw a post today where some zoomer fag was bashing it. I dont think he realized it came out in 1997

Stop making up enemies in your head

There have been several of those. I can't help but wonder how many of them are genuine vs. how many of them are just trying to stir shit.

I've seen multiple threads today complaining about how the controls are bad, how the levels are empty, and how the graphics suck

Zoomers love 64, dude. I graduated high school last year and there was a group of about 20 guys who sat in the computer lab like all day playing it, downloading mods and speedrunning and that shit. No joke.

when people mention zoomer theyre referring to the little fortnite boys that floss and do all the dances in public. THOSE kids truly have no imagination

That's Gen Alpha.

Attached: Generations-Final.png (1297x1829, 1.25M)

Why are boomers always seething with rage whenever someone criticizes this game? Some zoomie comes in, mentions that they don’t think it’s the best game ever made, and the boomers go mad with rage typing out essays on why, actually, since they played it when they were kids it’s the best game ever made

Is there a 'kids complaining while playing Mario 64' youtube compilation?
Just show me that I need to consoom

1996 you stupid meatball

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thank you for this definitive list. I'd say the late zoomer and gen alpha are the creeps that don't get mario 64

Literally me

Hey, why do millenials only get two categories when gen xers and zoomers get three?

Shitty thread
Shitty game

OP's wall of text just proves how buttblasted he is that not everyone fell for the Mario meme. You have no argument but "consoom my company's product zoomer."

Go back to your tranny speedrun discord.

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Thanks for proving my point zoomer. You can't imagine that an entire generation adores this game so you have to blame speedrunning trannies, i feel bad for you. Unironically cope

>be 35
>get called a zoomer by some underaged faggot on an anime image board
Cope. Your game is was and will always be shit. Go back to your GameEcplain subreddit if you want to circlejerk Nintendo's dick.

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No. They "love" it to appear cool and to pretend that they grew up in the 90's.

They never actually played it though.

I'm 23 and I've 100%ed 64. I have a copy.

>I'm laughing my ass off as I type this
>goes off on a longass cope

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Everything in this image is incredibly based


And everyone's so fake...

I am 30, and I finished both 64 with 120 stars, and the DS remake with 150 stars more times than I could actually count.

Using a "normal" controller for Super Mario 64 just feels weird. I wanted to plug my N64 controller into my Switch, but that isn't an option.

Also, the severe input lag threw everything absolutely off.

lets be real. the graphics, level design, star design etc. pretty much sucks

what makes it so good is the amazing acrobatics and momentum system, it has the best controls of any 3d platformer to date. it's the only 3d platformer which rewards actual skill, not just trial and error and memorization

>Also, the severe input lag threw everything absolutely off.
get a new tv

And everybody's empty and everything is so messed up

The same thing happens in portable mode. The input lag is off, and it killed me several times, because I needed those few frames to do things. The TV I bought, which was intended for the Xbox Series X and PS5, has one of the LOWEST latencies of any TVs for gaming.

It's the emulation for the game itself that's the issue.

I'm core millennial. But I had older siblings and step siblings that introduced the early millennial stuff

is this only on 64 or the whole collection or all switch games

>lets be real. the graphics, level design, star design etc. pretty much sucks
the graphics look fine, they aren't by any means bad. The level design and stars are perfect though. They compliment your movement which is why most of them involve scaling up things or finding something hidden behind a platforming challenge that you don't even notice is a platforming challenge because movement is so integral that moving from point a to b using long jumps and such feels natural

Didn't play Mario Sunshine at all, and played Galaxy last year on Wii U.

Galaxy played perfectly, with no lag whatsoever. Never had a GameCube or a Wii.

All other Switch games, including the NES and SNES games play perfectly fine.

I assume the lag has to do with the input lag caused by the emulator that was used, all because they didn't think about natively porting it to Switch.