Why is the runescape playerbase so racist?
Why is the runescape playerbase so racist?
Because Thieving was the easiest skill to train
Who cares
That's impressive.
modern art
>racism is bad
I recall there being a word filter for just about every misspellng you could do
I think you meant why runescape is so based
Because the moderation team is awful
Wtf I love runescape now?
There is but people turned it off and got upset so now they're making one that can't be turned off
post the hitler falador riots
Remember the riots over the pride event? That was amazing.
Whoops, meant for
didn't that cause the fag mod who forced the event in without anyone asking to quit because of the intense backlash?
I don't know but I can't think of any other MMO that has something like the runescape venezuelan genocide
>it turned out to be only 7 tiles
Lol was still hillarious though, even LGBT people were protesting for the hell of it
Didn't they ban a bunch of people for that
OSRS is the most based community in any MMO.
So this is definitely a macro, but how much of this is click actions? I feel like there might be at least some "Follow Player" here.
I'm sure they banned some people for going over the top but like 90% of everyone online was participating, they couldn't ban everyone
No, he was still on staff until like last year when he quit because none of his ideas were worth a shit and the only one they attempted to put in game caused that. He was a diversity hire.
Some people got banned for wearing white robes
Yes I was there for it. Good times. The mods were so butthurt about it.
Is it worth getting back into this game as a f2p and then membership
reminds me of the habbo hotel era of Zig Forums incredibly based
I wouldn't stay F2P long, not a whole lot to do really in F2P.
I recommend just doing everything you can as f2p, getting one month of membership, and if you're active enough during that month, you can earn bonds and pay for the rest of your membership
>for wearing white robes
*for wearing white robes and triggering the no-no word filter (nigger, faggot)
nobody ever got banned for just the robes.
where is he now
The games dead now
25% of the player base is reditors, 25% Venezuelans, and 50% bots
the controversy was so stupid, everyone bitched about it not being put to a vote like any special time events ever go through those. OSRS would gladly vote against christmas and hallowen events because they'd get in the way of their precious profit runs.
Begging to get back on twitch, turns out being an absolute retard on stream for the last couple years didn't do him any well.
You can get through all the f2p content in like a month of VERY casual playing.
If you were hoping to earn gp to get a bond as a f2p, your options are basically scraping the battlefield of low wildy for arrows to sell, telegrabbing zammy wines, or just waiting for new content. You can do shit like mining but it's more work than most people will put in just for a bond.
Twitch prime is running a deal where if you have amazon prime you can get 7 days of membershp at no additional cost, and 7 days of membership is enough to get you started smithing cannonballs. very boring work, but also very afk, something you can just have up in the background on runelite and have it ding when you're done smelting. It takes about 24-30 hours of smelting balls to get profit enough to buy a bond, and you can sustain doing it as you work on other things like combat stats and questing elsewhere. Mind you do have to treat it like a second job that way, and it ruins the fun of the game.
It was just an excuse to riot.
It was hilarious and reminded fags that the majority of people don't like them
The Falador riots over the gay pride event made me damn proud of the community. League 2 date when?
autistic manchild trying his damndest to be a normie, pretty cringe
Who is this? What did he do? Should I care?
Al Kharid is the land of peace.