Learning Programming ruined video games for me. All i see is 1s and 0s

Learning Programming ruined video games for me. All i see is 1s and 0s.

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Learning cooking ruined food for me. All I taste is the individual ingredients.

kek that shit was dumb

How was it dumb?

would you take a blue pill to forget and live in blissful ignorance?

Having sex ruined porn for me. All I see are peepees and vaginas.


no i'd genocide the robots

That guy must've been a superhuman to be able to read and understand what memory represents what. Not only he does that, but he's able to do it on-the-fly while the memory is streamed on a small ass screen. So his short term memory would be godly, too. Then you also need to understand what interfaces the data/code uses, and how the interfaces take and read this data as input. In fact, superhuman is probably a massive understatement for someone with these capabilities.

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Both of these statements are unironically true.

what is the point of the redpill?

learning that op was gay ruined the thread for me

Nah, shit was pro. OP needs to play dark souls, something extremely high quality or something from his childhood.

Personally it's allowed me to be more impressed by the elegance and genius of the solutions designers come up with sometimes
But more often than not it's just made it more frustrating because I feel like I know how easy it would be to fucking fix some glaring issue but they just won't do it

learning computer screen imite light ruined programming for me all i see are photons

It disrupts your connection to the matrix. Basically boots you out of it, its why the way he sees the Matrix gets all distorted after taking it. His body rejects it.

You must not be a very seasoned professional developer. You can never tell how easy a problem would be to fix without looking at the source code. Especially when Poos are involved. And believe me, they are involved for a lot of these.

Sounds to me like someone's imagination is a little burnt out bro. Do some drugs or something.

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Learning to draw ruined pictures for me. All I see is bad anatomy.

People often ask if programming games ruins playing them, but it mostly just changes what you appreciate/forgive/be critical of.

Moving away from eastern europe has ruined all media for me. All I see is niggers.

Ah, so you're looking at it from a "not realistic" view point, the coding elemnts in the movie are not meant to be releastic, to them the code is just like driving, he could feel the code like an expert deiver could feel a car, Neo in the end starts to see the Matrix as code meaning he understands it and can feel it, it's a sort of mysticism.

Ah, an actual fellow code monkey, I see.

>You can never tell how easy a problem would be to fix
When it's as easy as using metrics available to the public of which the company will no doubt have even more comprehensive versions of and changing a few numbers and you're left watching as they insist on completely reinventing the wheel and replacing the whole system, yeah it is

I guess so, yeah

>but it mostly just changes what you appreciate/forgive/be critical of
This is true. I remember when I was amazed to see GPS in GTAIV thinking this is some super impressive high tech shit and then when I learned programming I discovered it's not even remotely difficult to do. As a programmer something that is impressive is the pathfinding in Dragon's Dogma being able to incorporate arbitrary jumping which is something I'm sure the layman wouldn't even notice, much less think is impressive.

>of which the company will no doubt have even more comprehensive versions of
You are assuming a lot here buddy. And never underestimate the difficulty of just "changing a few numbers" in a piece of shit codebase. You have no idea how badly fucked up "professional" code bases can get. Considering that the vidya industry loves to hire the cheapest and worst developers ever since they started cutting wages and increasing hours about a decade ago, I guarantee the codebases are horror stories.

Yeah. AC Unity's parkour system for example, is a marvel. So much contextual shit, both relating to the animations and the utility of the controls. I can't help but empathize and forgive when the parkour occasionally glitches out.

Learning women ruined sex for me, now all I see is tits and ass.

> I guarantee the codebases are horror stories.

>release game
>get ticket to fix bug in ui code code of some guy whose contract expired
>find a bunch of really obvious bugs just by briefly looking at the code and then testing it out
>its like pressing two buttons at once causes the menu to spaz out indefinitely tier shit bugs
>i know that asshole copy pasted the code into other menus because he was a dipshit who didn't understand basic code reuse strategies
>there are barely any design docs and those that exist are not up to date
>nobody knows how many menus he copy pasted this shit into because nobody knows all the menu implemented into the game anymore

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Hope the pay was worth it.

Learning Physics ruined life for me. All i see is atoms

should have made it to modern physics