>better engine than world
>already confirmed unique weapons
>already confirmed more monster types than world
the soul is fucking back veteran chads...
>better engine than world
>already confirmed unique weapons
>already confirmed more monster types than world
the soul is fucking back veteran chads...
Other urls found in this thread:
Where is the MH stories 2 girl? The "elf" one.
Himecuts are for weeb losers
Edit: Wow lots of hate to this post, must've struck a nerve
Edit 2: Thanks for the kind words, seems like some of you agree this bullying is taking things to far over a fucking haircut.
Weeb shit
>better engine than world
Ffs no it looks like a mobile game
they are both cute
It's the same engine retard
Fuck off Reddit
You will never be j*panese
A tranny looking freak vs an actual woman
When's the seething and coping compilation, bros?
Wtf, how can you edit your posts like that?
Edit: Nvm found it
There's no denying it, this your mainline series
>better engine than world
>already confirmed unique weapons
>already confirmed more monster types than world
>source:dude just trust me
this bait thread is too obvious OP, it's as obvious as how much of a faggot you are
Both threads right now are bait threads. But at least this one is sensible
you are blind
I don't get it. How can any Monster Hunter game claim to be the mainline game without Khezu?
Let's guess their personalities:
It's literally just the Able Sisters
Every single monster hunter title from now til the end of time will have its reception on this dumb determined entirely by whether it's nintendo exclusive or not. If it's not, it gets shitposted to death, if it is "soul, veterans, home etc..." even if it's a fucking carbon copy of nuMonHun with all the fucking garbage from World and XX included.
by having fun monsters, like rathalos and rathian
getting charged at point blank > scream into electric shield
>fun monsters, like rathalos and rathian
>World only comes to Switch which causes Nintendies to cry
>World 2 comes to Switch first which causes the World 1ers to cry
We all know your copy is coming, at least Switch friends get something.
yeah, it was intentional
none of them are fun
>fun monsters, like rathalos and rathian
>western pandering
Handler's pandering to the Japanese, OP. They fucking love her over there. It's Serious Handler they hate.
>pouting anime girl 53
How many of these do you have, user?
This is some next level cope
This is an anime website. I've been here for over a decade. The good news is that Shield Hero is a pretty new anime so it's not that many more.
don't you have fun getting trampled by rathian and getting nuked from orbit by rathalos?
look man, it's late where i live. the sarcasm was lost somewhere when i wrote it
I didn't say I didn't like it, I'm just actually curious how many you have if that's number 53
No, Handler is genuinely popular in Japan, whereas they despise Serious Handler. I'm not talking the game itself, I'm talking the Handlers.
There's nothing based about a girl that literally wants to be eaten
Lagiacrus gunner armor
I like pirates
first day using Zig Forums gold huh pals
Edit: don't pm me asking me how to get Zig Forums gold silvertards
I genuinely don't believe you in the slightest. They wouldn't call the twins an upgrade if that was the case.
You posted it so here's this
Ah yes, the "I will literally fuck any female" user.
>Different armors for Gunners
God I hope this comes back.
You posted my number 1 pick so i'll just have to go for the 2nd one.
Nintranny cope
there were unique weapons (non-bone/iron stuff), so i keep hope
mfw male and have a himecut
Keep coping that we'll get it a whole year or two before you. And feel free to say we beta tested it to, because I know you will.
Pls no, I occasionally want to play HBG and don't want to build an entirely new set to do so
They will bring back deviants as subspecies right?
Her personality is less annoying in Japanese but still this seemed to make the rounds:
That's called a bowlcut, user. Unless your a tranny that fully accepts they'll never be a real female, in which case: based
Nintrannys STILL don't have World kek. Enjoy your C-team engine test of leftover assets.
>Soul is when I find the girls in my video game attractive
The one up top has a lot more thought put into her design and is giving a cheerful smile.
The one on the bottom is a VERY generic Japanese "princess" character giving an expressionless blank stare.
It's your turn to cope, Worldies. Don't worry, you can at least watch us.
As someone who's actually been in the JP community, she is. She's just not waifu supreme. Her clumsy genki demeanor is loved along with the cooking, but she's seen as a parody of Americans.
Hate is a strong word for Serious Handler, but she is seen as boring.
At least keep the armors
>I've been here for over a decade.
lmaoing @ ur lyfe dawg.
>"This is Switch Monster Hunter's overwhelming victory"
Rise is literal weebshit though.
It's Zig Forums, no one should feel superior to anyone, we're all here cunt
there shouldn't be a need to explain this one
just everything about it is so good
Enjoy watching us play this time.
The C team is the team that made iceborne.
Models look decent enough at high res
Textures are a bit iffy, but I like the sharper look from this over World's style
You mean the entirety of MonHun?
Can't I like both?
>get to play inferior version of World at 20 fps with no colors and Toukiden combat/setting
>c-cope worldcuck
Nintrannys are on 10 layers of mental illness
I want to see their animal like feet.
>we're all here cunt
Not for over a decade lmao.
Fuck off retard, those mechanics in Rise are different from worldshit and actually look fun.
I wonder if someone will make a lame edit of your initial cope image as soon as you guys get Rise.
lol Ryuzu straight up confirmed a literal who is directing Rise while the real team is making World 2 for relevant platforms. Enjoy your glorified intern training/ engine test game.
>fly around like an anime dude on steroids
>this is f-fun
This is weebshit.
>a finicky claw to grab onto monsters and temporarily weaken them or just force a knockdown and trivialize the fight
>mid combat movement options that don't break the flow
They can try to make up for the piece of shit that was the handler by giving us two waifus, but how are they going to make up for a the clutch claw spam?
Yeah, you must be in some kind of cuck community because this assures me otherwise from the actual community.
World will forever live rent free in tendie minds. Oh well. Thanks for buying Rise and funding World 2.