Sad, but such is the life of a average tendie.
its depressing how empty the room feels, am i autistic for preferring crowded rooms?
put a bullet inside your head redditnigger
Based. A Snoy would probably kill himself in that situation due to the lack of fun games.
Why can't men decorate rooms?
What is that? looks like there would be ancient treasure inside from the 1800s
Imagine being a male that begs for attention on the internet
Well? Tell me!
you will never be a woman, your parents hate you and will use your real name when you kill yourself troomer
When some whore rips your heart out finding a rug that matches the drapes isn’t usually your top priority.
Wife took everything else.
At least you can still enjoy playing video games. I have officially as of earlier this year completely lost all interest in them. I don't know why. I just can't get into them anymore.
But playing kiddie games is? LMAO
It contains all the blue coins from Sunshine.
No matter what bad happens in your life, video games will always be there for you.
wife's a slut. bailing on homie because he lost his job is shameful.
This is why you get a prenup before marriage.
I'm glad the guy has at least something left to bring him happiness.
Normal humans usually have stuff lying around. Books and magazines they read, post cards by other people, stuff they collected when travelling the world.
>after losing my wife and job
user when you grow up you will learn that you don't just lose a wife, it's implied that your house, all the furniture and any kids you had together go with her as well. this is a destitute man who has gotten a small apartment and just wants to play some fuckin mario on the bean bag chair he found at goodwill.
reminds me of this chick in my uni accom's room
biggest pigsty i've ever seen
what happens if he touches the black goop?
W-what's in the chest?
Change the posters to almost naked anime girls and yeah
Ex wife ;)
Especially at this time. My wife has been very supportive after I lost my job. Shits hard right now.
I have that same rug, it's actually a cow skin
>Spending money on pointless inane shit when I could instead use it for things that matter like rent/mortgage, food, water, clothes, bedding, bills and other essentials
Having 18 "Live Laugh Love" or some other cheesey, bait nonsense doesn't appeal to me and makes me feel actively disgusted when I see it in someone's house.
I'd definitely love to have a collection of photos of family and loved ones hung up somewhere though.
Fair enough
Ded wife
You know, that is actually a pretty accurate portrayal of how a woman's house looks like these days. I will never understand for the fuck of me what it is about them and the "little mountains" of clothes everywhere and the damn cat's litter box full of cat shit and like RIGHT in the center of the room. I mean, I'm no neat freak, but I keep my clothes hung up in the closet keep my cat's litter box clean and out of site at all times. Also the fucking wine and starbucks obsession....
I'm so fucking glad I'm single. Hate hate hate HATE women and all of their bullshit. Take the single pill bros.
>At least I'll get reddit karma...
is that cat narcing on her tinder? kek
same even if she's jealous a bit, getting a house has been put on hold until I find a new real job but the unemployment cheques will take care of my share of the bills, so I just gotta keep being cute and wear the fuck outta my tongue.
stay strong pimp we'll get jobs eventually....after we cut through our backlog of course.
Depression's a bitch
>Boo hoo, I'm sad. Give me upboats
Never fucking get married.
My girlfriend makes these huge piles of clothes on the ground in the room. Drives me insane.
nice blogpost hope she dies