Why is Super Mario 64 so frustrating to play?
Why is Super Mario 64 so frustrating to play?
Other urls found in this thread:
Watch Pikamee play Mario
why do faggots and trannys like vtubers
It's not women just can't play video games
20-year old level design compared to the huge strides in design choices in modern levels. Some levels are almost unbearable compared to stuff like Odyssey or Hat in Time.
>Check twitter
>faggot and tranny hate vtuber
I haven't played this game in over a decade, and it's still easy as shit.
They're cute anime girls, which is what faggots and trannies want to be.
>it's okay to worship 3dpd because they're using an anime avatar hahaha
I hate these sad fucks so much. Why can't you niggers just watch anime and get a waifu like the rest of us?
yo no hablo el weeaboo
They think vtubers are their friends.
wow look it's all FUCKING CRINGE
The controls feel weird as fuck on Switch. On the 64, you have a 16 directional gate for the 3d stick, correlating to a direction Mario can run. On the Switch, it's not as gates, so you will want to run at angles the game doesn't comprehend.
>he doesn't know it's 3dpd that voices his anime girls
Hololive EN is based though
Based and Cringepilled.
>reddit spacing
This is a fucking video
>thinly veiled vtuber thread
Eceleb board when? I’m tired of seeing Jap roasties with 2d avatars
I'm not gossiping about the seiyuu and speculating into her personal life like a teenaged girl.
Get a girlfriend or a waifu. You obviously need it.
After playing around in facerig (thanks to hololive streamers) its made me realize i'm transgender, and i'm actually a female.
Thank you vtubers.
Now go stream yourself playing videogames badly so retards will throw money at you.
>I’m tired of seeing Jap roasties with 2d avatars
Sorry user but they're here to stay. Might as well get used to it.
>Looks like a prepubescent child
>Instantly becomes the most successful
Guys, Venti might have had a point about holofags being pedophiles...
>t. woman
>I'm not gossiping about the seiyuu and speculating into her personal life like a teenaged girl.
lmao sure
take your own advice m8
Nothing, she sucks at video games.
Can't sing
can't play games
can't draw
>wow look it's all FUCKING CRINGE
what is wrong with cringe?
>Vtuberfag is literally retarded
cause you are a zoomer
>thinly veiled
This is an insult for all of the low quality template threads posted on Zig Forums throughout the years.
>miko actually play minecraft with pekora on rushia stream.
She definitely have a baby.
what did she mean by this
>Most trannies are autistic
>Autists have trouble reading facial expressions
>Anime/vtuber characters have exaggerated and simple facial expressions
>Their faces are the few faces autists can read and empathize with
>Suddenly able to connect with someone for the very first time in their life
>Autists misinterpret this as "love"
>Become obsessed with anime/vtuber
It explains everything
I still need to play Hat In Time. But yeah, I agree the later Mario games are better in a lot of ways.
Unironically take your meds.
I'm not sure which is worse, watching vtubers or screeching about people who watch vtubers.
I've lived long enough to see SM64 become a pleb filter
People who claim others are pedophiles are usually ones themselves.
Tbqh you wouldn't have the people screeching about vtubers if the cunts that watched vtubers would just fuck off to /jp/ and stopped shoving these whores in our faces.
>Expecting anyone to willingly use /jp/
It's a shithole full of retards even worse than here.
Both are shit
if you like something, enjoy it without shitting up the board
if you hate something don't make threads about it or post in threads about it
If EVERY fandom on Zig Forums learned this, this shithole would become the best place on the internet
But nope, let's all shit all over the board wit 99 hololive/smash/consolewar/some twitter drama/random e-celeb shit threads because there must be a shit load of threads, how come people who like and dislike said things will vent and argue about nothing important at all
>shoving these whores in our faces
It's really easy to scroll past these threads
>shithole full of retards even worse than here
Exactly where vtuber niggers belong then. It's really no different from idolfag threads or seiyuu gossiping.
>nooo not my quality breads on cambodian bamboo basket weaving forum reeee
My wifemama!
I'd rather get rid of the wojakniggers first.
A faggot on twitter. don't worry about it.
It's even easier to go to /jp/ to make your threads.
And this is why I can't sympathise with you fags.
t. tranny faggot
Mio a cute
Please fuck off to your containment board
God, zoomers fucking suck at videogames.
>go to /jp/
she speaks english
Her tentacles make me insane
>It's even easier to go to /jp/ to make your threads
lmao no it isn't
Cringe newfaggot
Reddit tier opinion, neck yourself weeaboo
do you guys think 39daph will finish it? she's really bad at it
Who need your sympathise?
You're an user in anonymous forum, you're not special.
how many stars she got?
you first