Attached: crysis.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

no one asked for it tho

I just want to be able to play it without it crashing for once.

You can play it right now. Just make sure you download Crysis Warhead as well, you'll need it to launch OG Crysis.

What's with this trend of remastering 7/10 games?

Quick and easy money

>Let's give our young employees something easy to do since all our actual talent has left the company a long time ago

crytek has nothing to do i think, it was all those fags from saber

Publishers are afraid to make new games, so they are just selling old games again.

Crysis was always shit, so I don't care.

Someone tell me, why didn't Crytek put effort into remastering Crysis for PC first and then release it for next next gen consoles? Do vidya companies still have this contract clause where games have to look equally shit on PC and plebsoles?

looks better

You can sell anything if there's enough "hype marketing" around it. Children and normalfags who only buy shit if it's "hype" and their friends are playing it will buy this shit again and again. Video games are dead. Capitalism killed it.

What happened to the lighting?

Heckin BASED opioniorino!

I have over 60 even 100 FPS in the original on Ryzen 1200 AF 3450MHz and a RX 580 4GB - WTF is that? A console port?

are you fucking blind?

It literally is a console port, shit runs on only one CPU core and therefore, runs like complete shit on modern hardware

They don't fucking care, they just want to shit out products to keep their numbers in the green

Attached: unknown-1.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

I realise that it's about money. Roughly how much would a remaster where Crytek actually tried have cost them?

>left image is 6.2 gb
>right image is 7 gb

Attached: 1550861892305.gif (320x200, 1.9M)

>runs on one CPU core

how the fuck is this still a thing?

small indie developer pls understand something something pandemic

proof for this post fuck the Disastered version

Attached: crysis benchmark.png (732x191, 12.21K)

No, see small indie developer I can understand.
Crysis Remastered was a goddamned Crytek game.

One?! Really? Original used 2

>Crytek game.
Crytek today isn't the same as the one 15 years ago.
Most of employers left the company because Yerli fuckers didn't pay them, they had to buy new Ferraris.
So today they outsourced most of their shit.

Did they get Hijinx Studios for this job?

Attached: 49f.jpg (413x395, 19.24K)


>shit runs on only one CPU core
No it doesn't. Why do people keep saying this?

Christ, I was just making a Silent Hill HD joke, but holy fuck. This is Saber's latest release.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.84M)

Lol, classic. They just give the job to some shitty dev team that just add shitty HD textures and filters. No fucking effort needed.
They could hire me, and I'd do it in a fucking weekend for 1/10 the cost.

I literally can't think of a SINGLE remaster that was objectivley better.
It's either a mixed bag or one sided towards the original.

Attached: water.webm (800x444, 2.67M)

I don't understand why people are whining about Saber. Uh... who do you think is making the new version of The Witcher 3?

Attached: 30 fps physics.webm (1000x560, 2.78M)