yup, totally gonna buy that ps5 day one with just one game, it's only $400
Yup, totally gonna buy that ps5 day one with just one game, it's only $400
one more game than the Deadbox
>he doesn't know
Name a single Xbox launch game, I'll wait
>buy $500 PS5
>$50 tax
>buy $70 game
>$7 tax
>finish it in a day and get bored for months until the next PS5 game comes out
>buy $500 Series X
>$50 tax
>buy $10 gamepass
>instantly gain access to over 300 games
>can also pop in any old Xbox disc from any gen you want and play it
Halo infinity.
every game ever damn near, actually
heres your $70s you greedy jew
plus tip
>buying consoles day 1
people still do that shit?
Did they change the led placement on the controller so it would stop reflecting on my screen and directly in my lower vision are is it all around so that it can do both ?
>Zig Forums claims Sony has no games because they are all on PC
>Zig Forums claims Xbox has all the games despite them all being on PC
Plus BLM donation
No, I'm not giving you $70 so you can purchase timed exclusivity deals.
No, I'm not giving you $70 so you can bloat your marketing budget to three times the development budget.
No, I'm not giving you $70 so you can create an "ethics department" to stifle developer creativity with.
No, I'm not giving you $70 so you can hire e-celebrity streamers and unionized voice actors.
No, I'm not giving you $70 so you can make billions more in profit with added microtransactions for digital items that don't exist.
No, I'm not giving you $70 so you can make billions more in profit on a digital game sale which costs nothing to manufacture.
No, I'm not giving you $70 so you can hire people off Twitter so your company stops getting extorted by Twitter's private activist army.
No, I'm not giving you $70 so you can fill your no substance games up with celebrities and cinematics.
No, I'm not giving you $70 so you can hire communications majors to pretend your company is diverse.
No, I'm not giving you $70 so you can fill up your company with social media managers so you can pretend this is an expensive operation.
No, I'm not giving you $70.
that's why I never listen to Zig Forums
>until the next PS5 game comes out
>buy the game
>get screwed by its apparent lousy cooling system
Poor snoys
>can also pop in any old Xbox disc
*officialy licensed and supported by MS*
remember only 35 original Xbox games are supported, most of the BC list is padded by 360 shovelware
You now remember ps4 launch and killzone shadowfall
He doesn't know
What's wrong with games also being on PC? You do realize that not everything revolves around PC's right? Why is PC even relevant when it comes to discussing consoles in the first place? If people have one of these consoles, chances are, they don't have a PC. Not everyone does. I do, but I'm not retarded enough to think that just because they're also on PC, it devalues the fact that they're also on those consoles.
the game that killed the Killzone franchise
35 original Xbox games being supported on the Series X is already more than the zero PS1 games being supported on the PS5.
>buy $10 gamepass
>instantly gain access to over 300 games
>play none of them because they're all old or mediocre games not worth my time
I cannot wait to play that ps3 game from 2009
still doesnt excuse how pathetic the ''BC'' is
maybe you shouldnt spread lies like
>can also pop in any old Xbox disc
you literally can and then it downloads a patch as well
stop being so uppity to people smarter than you
If you're counting games from other gens, I heard PS5 you can download your game library to it, so I would still have all my ps4 games etc.
transferring a bunch of movie directors from their movie production branch and telling the game devs to create movie sims. sony has been gaming cancer ever since and the idiots just lap their shit up. they are the new EA.
> PS5 has only DeSR on start
How fucking crazy is that? Compare it to PS2 release
>you literally can
you cant
we just discussed this, you can only play a small fraction of games MS approved of
You realize Zig Forums are PCbeggers right? Remember when bloodborne was leaked; there were a lot of cope posting and then when it finally was revealed to be a console exclusive a lot of PCbeggers an heroed or created Change.org posts. And to this day, that one game has changed Zig Forums forever.