Which PlayStation 5 did you pre-order?

The initial pre-order mania is over and the dust has started to settle. So, what did you order?


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I originally wanted the digital edition however it didn't appear on the Amazon UK site during pre-order; not until they were sold out. Having the disk version gives me options, so no biggie.

the disk version, only someone with poor financial sense would buy the digital one.

you can buy games at a discount, buy them used, trade them in, and also buy digital if you really want to. I'm not getting the inferior version.

I managed to get the physical on amazon ( which I wanted ) but it was weird that they didn't put them both on at the same time

digital because I fucking hate disks

not to mention with cd keys websites and PS store sales, the only thing you're actually missing with the digital is reselling your disks, but considering I play a few games per console generation, that's a non issue for me

Cancelled mine so I could get an xbox since they bought Zenimax

Refunded my pre-order for the PS5 to get a SeX

none of them, because I already have a PC.

Yeah if you looked later, they had a "proper" page where you could select the type of console as well as the peripherals (controller, headset, camera, etc).

Disc, can’t wait till Nov 20th to pop in Demon's Souls and be lost for a while