>he alt+tabbed? qrash ze game now
He alt+tabbed? qrash ze game now
Jace Reed
Other urls found in this thread:
Ian James
>unironically using badly aged stale Zig Forums memes
Jayden Campbell
>He's about to beat the hardest boss in the game? Activate the mandatory update.
Elijah Reyes
stop bogging down my games you fucks
Christopher Foster
You mother fucker, my game crashed while reading this
Carson Long
He bought?
Luis Allen
>he chose one of the two paths? activate the missable loot and cutscene trigger
Zachary Martin
Are you still on windows millenium OP?
David Green
>he tabbed back in? Slash the framerate in half
Connor Morgan
>'e mastered 'es main?
>nerf eet