Anybody else cancel their Deathloop preorder?
Anybody else cancel their Deathloop preorder?
You just hate black people
You didn’t even preorder the game to begin with. I don’t know anyone who did.
People preordered Dishonored with a No one lives for ever reskin?
Does this game have anything going for itself?
i didn't think the PS4 would be this obsolete so fast usually the two generations coexist for a year
it is dishonored with guns and pvp
Sure did. Fuck Microsoft. We don't need their shitty titles.
Didn't you read the thread?
Apparently it has black people, and that is now the golden standard of a good video game no matter their depiction or other miniscule things like the actual gameplay.
Bold to assume people preordered Deathloop in the first place
Also that bland cover can't be real. They need to make it look more like a grindhouse movie poster.
i still dont understand what this game is.
You have 8 NPC targets but theres one player hunting you for PVP?
Is that what it is?
>Be me
>play this on normal
>Kill all targets first attempt
>Stop loop
>Win game
It is me just Zig Forums or seriously is influence losing? Like seems rest the of Zig Forums turned has them against.
cope snoy faget
>Playstation Exclusive*
>*also coming to PC
my understanding is the person hunting you can also be an AI if you’re offline, but yeah, thats the idea
Not only does your post read like you got a stroke while writing it, it is also off-topic garbage. Fuck off sneed.
>Finally get a black protag
>it’s a meme FPS so you can’t even see them
American games suck so much ass
Holy stroke user.
The rest of Zig Forums was never "with" them in the first place. Zig Forums's influence has been artificially inflated with redditors after the election and the r/the_donald exodus.
Wtf does Zig Forums autocorrect sneed to sneed now?
yes, but that's besides the point.
>Le watch_dogs 2 has enter the chat
sorry, I don't buy games featuring nigger protagonists
honestly i think they would have more sway if they werent so goddamn annoying
was kind of interested til this
>preordering video games
You do realize boycotting death loop will do more damage to Sony than ms? Right
It's an Arkane game. The only game they've made that wasn't good was DOTO (an expansion made by their B team) that was just fine gameplay-wise
Think of it as a blend of Majora's Mask and Dishonored.
In each loop, your eight targets will move and operate in different ways.
Actions that you take can alter how they operate during that loop.
This can be used to solve problems like how long it takes to travel between two spots. It's convenient to have two of your targets in one place.
So the game is a puzzle of how to plan out a time loop and successfully kill all eight targets within the time limit.
And to keep you in check, there's another AI/player trying to kill you.
I think the gameplay concept is novel enough and will be fun for routing and experimentation, but the core issue is that once the game is solved, it's solved.
The dark souls invasion mechanic in a first person game sounds amazing. Can't wait.
it looks like he's pointing the gun at himself on the bottom panel
Will it come to pc eventually?