>sexy handsome fella
>fucks these two ugly crocodiles
What the fuck is that bullshit, Naughty Dog?
This is the most unrealistic things that came out of this game.
Jesus, they should make him gay, for the fuck sake. Such a waste of perfect male.
>sexy handsome fella
>fucks these two ugly crocodiles
What the fuck is that bullshit, Naughty Dog?
This is the most unrealistic things that came out of this game.
Jesus, they should make him gay, for the fuck sake. Such a waste of perfect male.
>ugly cocodrile
yeah yeah whatever
How is it bullshit? I see attractive dudes every single day with women well below their league. It happens all the time. Hell I fucked a few ugly fatties in my day. Not proud of it, but a hole is a hole.
>Being picky in a post-apocalyptic world where women don't have much of a choice and will most likely have sex with you if you're assigned on a guardpost with them
That is pleb logic
>I see attractive dudes every single day with women well below their league
This isn't fucking fair.
Like they have no standards?
>sexy handsome
He looks like the typical white cis male. Boring.
It could possibly be -and I know it's pretty farfetched- that there's more to people you can like beyond their appearance. I mean hell, how many decent dudes here have been completely snubbed all because they didn't win the genetic lottery?
I mean they made him handsome and these two goblinas ugly as sin knowingly.
I also can see how that asian dude fucks Dinasaur.
But Owen and Mel - fucking bullshit.
Why did they let a pregnant woman risk her life and her unborn child’s life against zombies?
Post the edits.