Say what you want about this controller, but having back paddles is pretty useful

Say what you want about this controller, but having back paddles is pretty useful

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It's the worst fucking controller I've ever used, but I respect your opinion and I hope you enjoy the vidya you play with it, user. Have a great day

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Undoubtedly the best controller on the market. Absolute retard filter too.

Feels like fucking shit. My 360 controller broke and I couldn't for the life of me get this shit to feel remotely good on the games I played.

Shit is too loud

Absolute superior than any controllers

That is true. The bumpers are really loud, the click on the track pads is super loud, and its exaggerated by the large fairly hollow shell of the controller.

doesn't seem like it's easy to get any of the track pads to work like a DS4 analog stick, so it's totally frustrating to try and have a conventional play experience in some cases.

hot opinion alert
this is legit my favourite controller of all time
I can never get it to work with FPS games though but I mean if you're playing an FPS game with a controller in the first place, you're the problem, not the controller.

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the trackpad works better in theory, nobody is accurate enough with just their thumb. worked well for stardew valley oddly enough but not many games past that

I bought one when they were on sale for a couple bucks. Not a bad purchase for the price. I like the design behind it, but the execution was subpar. The main problem is the build quality. The shoulder buttons and physical clicks of the pads feel absolutely awful to use, they remind me of shitty madcatz controllers from back in the day. Also the face button placement is fucked up and the face buttons are too small. And the shape of the shoulder buttons is awkward and makes it hard to switch between the buttons and the triggers because of how far you need to move your index fingers.

If it had a quality dpad instead of the chink quality analog stick then it'd be pretty good desu

I played Destiny 2 with it fairly extensively. I gave up on trying to use mouse emulation though it does work pretty well with sensitivity tuned in. Typical gamepad/360 controls is officially supported for the controller now, and it gives you the benefit of added aim assist in Destiny, but gyro aiming is always faster and more precise. Works for virtually every FPS too. Only caveat is that you have to go back and forth tweaking the in game look sensitivity and sensitivity for the controller settings.
Set the gyro controls to activate on touch for the right track pad. With standard mouse emulation you can swipe the track pad for gross movements and tilt the controller for finer movements. Played DOOM 3 that way too. Worked great.

It does take some time to get things adjusted and set up, but once you get in all honed in it becomes really easy to make a config for anything else.

The consequences of its creation and the things that were learned from it are infinitely more valuable than the controller itself.
It's a pity Microsoft managed to dodge all of those useful lessons in favor of adding a screenshot button.

>Microsoft make xbox elite controller with four back paddles
>don't make it standard for Series X controllers
>Sony makes add on peripheral for DS4 that adds two back paddles
>doesn't make it standard for PS5

What a wasted opportunity

Worst controller ever designed. Glad I didn't even spend 5 bucks on it.

It feels cheap, the core pads are garbage, it's loud as fuck, I can't see myself realistically playing anything requiring precise movement . It's good as a remote control I guess...

i don't know how gyro aiming works. my brain...

This controller is perfect for any other bros who mirrors their desktop to their tv when they're chilling on the couch, I haven't tried playing any games with it since it's cumbersome compared to a dualshock or xbone controller
>random dude makes your billion dollar company's focus tested controller completely pointless
Heh, nothing personal.

I knew it was short-lived when I got it but I wanted it for the novelty of Valve dipping into the hardware market; felt like a collectors item. The customization options were actually very fucking impressive, and the 'haptic feedback' or whatever the shit simulated the feeling of a ball from an expert mouse extremely well. It also did the scrollwheel really well and you could customize each of course.

Other than that I'm not too sure what to use it for, because games for the PC are designed for a mouse and keyboard while console ports are generally designed for Xbox or Playstation controllers, so the Steam controller just got stuck in limbo.

I use it for TPS exclusively. Gyro + mouse track aiming feels way better than any other controller. Next iteration should only be better

it's the best controller by far but it's a deal breaker for most of the market because you have to actually customize it because it's default settings are normally bad. Of course, you can just navigate a menu to download an already done config and find the one that suits your needs best, but that's too much for most people, trust me.

>Say what you want about this controller
I will. It's the best all around controller on earth. I wish there was a method of removing the touchpads to replace them with dpads or other peripherals on the fly. A more modular design would make it the uncontested king for the rest of time.

Back paddles need to become the standard, even just having two buttons on the back makes playing the vast majority of games so much more comfortable. I got an elite controller and I can now jump cancel my ass off in DMC without my hands feeling like shit after a few hours.

Paddles and mode switching are total gamechangers. All these years saying a gamepad will never be able to match functionality of a keyboard and I'm finally proven wrong. I can map every single command for American Truck Sim on the steam controller and fuck me does it feel good

Based. I play truck sim with steam controller too. It even works fairly good when you put a VR headset on and use the steam controller.

Suddenly a challenger appears

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paddles are amazing, i love my scuf impact (big expensive though)


Nah, the 360 controller is a fantastic standard controller. But Steam Controller goes above and beyond. Hell half the 360 controllers longevity can be credited to steam allowing for controller configs.
>MUH joy2key and xpadder
Are dogshit

I think steam controller might be the worst controller ever released

best* mt

based better than the xbone controller and its shitty bumpers

If only it respected the buttons I designated in and out of steam....or held a charge after 4 recharges. Holy fuck, it was cool for the first 2-4 weeks of using it, but I noticed any stacked buttons were ignored, couldnt bring up a keyboard without needing to reach for the REAL mouse and keyboard to ctrl-alt-del or ctrl-shift-esc to kill/restart. I put in a combo button to hotkey to windows to tab me out of games, that crashed it. Give me a few hours and I'll be back to detail all the fuck-ups Ive observed since I bought it for 5 dollars. That said, its a great controller when it works, but it never really works or holds a charge.

If it did what I programmed it to do it'd be nice, but a good sign of my lack of faith is that I have a keyboard and mouse on the couch to take over on each fresh attempt to take steam controllers seriously again. There was a good month of me faithfully using a steam controller, combined with me walking to the other room and back to grab a keyboard and mouse.

Such a cool offer if it ever honored the claims, but its too buggy, too many things can cancel out the actual button designations working, too many win10/steam interactions not made to work together with a steam controller as stupid as it sounds. You'd need a fresh start PC made after steam controllers but before win10 driver issues and Oct2019 updates to properly function as intended.

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What do you mean charge? It takes AA batteries.