>3080 in 4K
>stuck in 40’s fps
>probably around high 20’s to low 30’s if it’s running the final mission on the aircraft
3080 in 4K
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Why would anyone want to play this, it wasn't even fun the first time
Don’t worry, you can upgrade next year when nvidia releases the Ti/Super cards
it was fun until the ayylmaos
>falling for the 4k meme
Wait a few more years.
why are you playing this shit remake? they even deleted a whole level
The game - like flight simulator - is extremely cpu bound. As the remaster is basically a port of the console version it STILL wants those dual core 10ghz cpus Intel promised us. Fixing the cpu scaling was the big hope of the remaster but oh well.
Wasn't in the console versions and thus not in the remaster.
Crysis was a great game. Played it recently and it's still fun.
>Wasn't in the console versions and thus not in the remaster.
yes. it's a shit remaster, it's garbage
>Wasn't in the console versions
Yeah but like.. why play a remastered console game on PC? You can play the real one that isn't garbage.