Anime is for PeD0.s

When people say this I laugh so much. Little girls are a minority in anime, and most attractive anime girls which are fanserviced are around age 14, which is legal in my country and which is actually adulthood, not childhood at all, since people become teens and no longer children at age 12, what's with people thinking 15 year olds are children? Below 18s are not children unless they're below 12. People are so stupid sometimes.

The vast majority of sexualised girls in anime and manga are aged 14-16, which counts as adult, so why do people say it's ped0.shit?

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Fuck off ped you like little 14yo girls who can barely think

Based hebechad.

this post is pretty based but what does it have to do with video james?

14 years old have way more sex than you.

>14yo girls who can barely think
Abusing 14 year old girl isn't pedophilia though, it's minor abuse.

found the American

The only sexual part about little girls is their feet.

You are sick

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Anways, I like Halo Spartan Assault, I think it's the best game in the series

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14-16 aren't adult though, they're teenagers.
It doesn't matter anyway because they're not human beings and generally don't behave as human beings, and often don't look the age they're portrayed as.
As for people calling it pedo shit, they're a bunch of moron.

Fucking russian feetfag.

14s, 15s, 16s, 17s, 18s, are all for fucking and dumping to teach about the real world. We get to have fun and they get life experience.

Thank you

What did he mean by this?

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Don't try to play stupid.
Everyone know you can found loli feet fetish on russian youtube channels.

Not really Japs Knows their underage girls,they have underage gravure and shit after all.

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You like women who can barely think

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For the record, I think that is a really cute girl and I am going to tease her by calling her a boy

>talking about videogames on Zig Forums
are you stupid or something?

Thinking is for real life and relationships. A boner doesn't require thought.

Why are all chuds pedophiles that want to hurt kids?

I did not know this because I dont look for 3d feet
Im not as far gone as you

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Is that kuro?

But that's nearly all of them

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what the fuck is this faggot-ass non-insult word "chud" even supposed to mean?

who's this anime bitch? i've seen her a lot nowadays but I have no idea what anime she's in

if a 13 year old want to suck my dick you can be sure I'm not gonna try to convince her of not doing it... Do you know what I mean? hehe

Post the channels coward

Anime is actually for faggots. Attraction to loli is also part of closeted faggotry.

you will never be a woman

Video James?

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I was talking about general anime, user.

14 is prime!

>Being atracted to girls is faggotry
Furry tranny detected

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Based on what? Let me guess, kino?
I fucking hate you niggers and your black slang.

Shut the fuck up chudophile


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>Being atracted to girls
Typical faggot cope. Keep telling yourself that while jerking off to a fat ugly bastard with girl somewhere on the screen, preferably small so she won't take much of the screen space and would look more like a boy rather than a woman.


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