Smash thread no.2

Smash thread no.2
>who’s in
>who’s out
>who’s up n down and all around

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i want min min.

What is going on in this image?

dlc 7

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captain falcon is helping min-min replace the headlights on her 2009 honda civic

I'll bite. This is cropped futa isn't it.

They’re looking at your huge Byleth folder

dlc never

It's a reference to pic related.

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Ask again in December.

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All in on Travis. Crash would be a nice bonus but I'm not expecting him at this point.

Primid is so out of left field that I can actually respect that choice.

Geno is next, followed by Pokemon rep and then Minecraft guy.

>Ryu Hayabusa
>Lara Croft
>Pyramid Head
This is what the purest of pure top tier additions Nintendo/ Sakurai could add. Let's take a deeper dive into why exactly. Hayabusa is Tecmos mascot and main man. Tecmo are bbfls with Nintendo and Hayabusa is an OG. Then you got Nightmare, Namco is developing Smash Ultimate yet their only character so far is pacman. There ought to be another. If I had to choose it would be Nightmare it would be a nice nod to Link being in soul calibur 2. Then you got my girl Lara Croft. Easily one of the most recognizable female Vidya characters thanks to the movies. Square doesn't like to play nice and share their IP, but I'll be damned if Geno or Sora beat her out for a roster spot. Then you got Pyramid Head, the roster doesn't have a canonical Vidya rapist yet. Could also use a horror genre rep. No Castlevania isn't horror it's gay. Lastly Sony getting a rep would be insane in the membrane.

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Sure, why not, sounds rad. I always thought it'd be cool if the final character added to Ultimate was something like that or Tabuu. If Smash is a celebration of games, it might as well celebrate itself a little bit, right? As for your other picks, they're pretty good, with Doomguy being my last never ever (that could be seen as remotely reasonable, Postal Dude, Caleb, and JC Denton would never happen I think). I'm happy I got some of my other favorites in 4 and Ultimate though (Mega Man being the one character I always wanted, with Erdrick being another huge one I wanted).
>tfw no Zoma, Psaro, or Estark fight in Smash's singleplayer modes
Maybe next time.


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Yeah, the thought is that I think the last fighter HAS to be from the Smash series itself, at least I think that would really be a great way to put a bow on the whole DLC fighters thing, indicating that the Smash series itself has become so iconic that it too has characters deserving to make the roster.

From there it was just a question of who could actually be that fighter. Like you'd think Master Hand could be a fighter, but he really couldn't, considering he floats all the time and by default is only killed by chipping away at his HP while you have lives, completely changing what a typical Smash fight should be. So none of the bosses are gonna make much sense, which brought me to Sandbag, which in a lot of ways I think would be great, but I think the fact that sandbags can appear in matches as an item would make this a not great choice as the sandbag player could use the item appearance as an extra strategy to confuse other players which would give him an extra unfair advantage. So really I just kinda ended up zeroing in on Primid, as they're fully featured standard fighters in Subspace Emissary appropriately scaled to other fighters, that don't appear elsewhere in Ultimate. To me they make a lot of sense, even though no one else is exactly cheering them on as a new fighter.

God I fucking wish genofags get absolutely nothing

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>smash is celebration of gaming
You niggers only start caring about other games presented outside of smash unless it gets mentioned in a retarded text leak or someone wanting a character outside of Zig Forums‘s hivemind.

>BOTW2 Zelda
>Veronica (FEH)
Covid has ruined all hopes and chances of third party characters being added in this fighters pass. The reason it's been 9 months and just min min is because Nintendo decided to scrap what they had and go with first parties only to help streamline the DLC. We're supposed to have all six characters by the end of next year, a character every nine months is not a good sign. Nintendo believes first parties can be completed faster then collaboration with third parties could be. Please understand your dumb doll and anime characters didn't make the cut.

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Man I dunno about you, but I remember after Snake was confirmed how my whole mind was blown open for who could be added to the series. My immediate desire was Sonic above all else at that time, so it really excited when he was confirmed for Brawl. I remember that morning vividly lol. I'm sure some fans are false in this regard, but not me, from the moment third party fighters were OKd for Smash I became addicted to the thought of who else outside of Nitnendo could join the series.

We'll see

If there was a rep for Newgrounds or Flash games in general who would you want?

Alien from Alien Hominid
>Started out as Flash game that got an expanded version on console

Henry Stickmin
>Could represent the choose your own adventure type games
>Moveset could involve Henry having to choose a set of specials (Up Special is always a Teleporter) to reference the separate paths the games are known for.

Either is good

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Gotta love posts that think they're more in the know than anyone else. Does your uncle work for Nintendo?

I don't give a shit about all the retarded leaks, it's just that the game seems to be presented that way. From the way trophies used to be with all the trivia and stuff, to the sheer amount of games included, it's the perfect way to celebrate games as a whole. I miss the trophies. I think spirits could be okay if they still had good trivia text and stuff with them.
Anyway, not everything is some sort of rosterfag battle, I just wanna see more game series in Smash. Sorry I just love Doom and other anons happen to love Doom too, man.

A character every six months, you seem to have forgotten Min Min did get released.

Regardless they still can't meet the timeframe at that pace so yes it'll probably have to be cut back to first parties.

Post em

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The teleporter would have a chance to instakill you

Arin “grump” Hanson

dumbshit the characters were decided well before Corona was a thing, and they cant just cancel those deals because of COVID.

My guesses are Crash Bandicoot, Doom Slayer, Travis Touchdown, Ryu Hayabusa, and Dante. Maybe Kat from Gravity Rush or Shante but I severely doubt the former and slightly doubt the latter.

>All third parties

There's nothing wrong with that. I don't feel like the rest of the pass will be third parties myself but it would be nice. I feel like Nintendo should have delayed the game slightly and made more first parties for the initial release of the game since it added so few non-clone characters in comparison to other Smash games.

You don't understand how much i'd like him in

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