why does Zig Forums hate sony so much?
now yoy're even willing to defend microsoft creating a monopoly just to spite sony
and don't me the excuse that it's because of their sjw shit, Zig Forums hated splaystation even when it was still the dedicated weeb machine
Why does Zig Forums hate sony so much?
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What is that? A fox or squirrel? I want to fuck it.
Seriously though
I'm not a furry, but...
It's salty PC gamers still mad they can't play bloodborn.
a squirrel is fine too
Because they were amazing back in the PS1/2/P era, but nowadays they're an absolute joke, and yet retards keep buying their shit.
post more of this thing please
It is because playstation is the normiestation and most people on an anime website are social outcasts in all honesty.
Guess we can call it the Frannystation, now.
Years of aggressive shitposting by brown people that grew up thinking owning a PS3 later 4 is like wearing a rolex or some shit.
That little slut is begging for BHC
It's the first W Microsoft has taken in years, let them have their fun
Well they censored a lot of my anime titty games when they’re released in America
Sony poisoned the video game industry too long. Seeing them getting a hit is giving me a smile on my face.
But you could say the same for Nintendo and Microsoft since any popular thing can be classified as normie.
It's more so Sony been fucking up lately with their audience by making them pay for features that already should come with the console and how they poorly treat devs now when PlayStation used to be the place where you can publish any game on there when Nintendo and Microsoft had extreme strict guidelines.
Funny how it's the opposite now.
I hope Sony gets fucked up massively by poor sales so they can actual do good things again.
Nintendo is normie for kids and women not for adults it's just because in most western countries the default game system for young men is a playstation most 4channers (including me btw) are social fuck ups though. It's similar thing to the people who hate on apple because it's the default phone for young socially well adjusted people.
Built for storing nuts
>Nintendo is normie for kids and women not for adults
This is what gaystation normies actually believe.
god I want to ejaculate inside this critter
>why does Zig Forums hate sony so much?
Sony can get fucked. Karma's a bitch.
Most of the world was laughing at America though. Sony just had the balls to not pretend they care.
Cope snoy
All three companies supported BLM, you gotta boycott video games
Zig Forums is a weeb website, and Playstation used to be full of JRPGs and other Japanese games. Now PS4 is full of western made "movie games", and even Japanese-made games inspired by those western games, that Zig Forums have turned their back on the company that used to supply them with their Japanese games.
Haha sexy squirrel
from that fire works squirrel girl platformer series of games
built for sex
>that last level
why is she being attacked by vibrators
I am going to, actually.