

Attached: fate-extella-link_review_004.jpg (1920x1080, 306.52K)

Should I play this game?
I heard that the first game is getting remade

fuck off fate insectoid

post umu

Nero's smile is infectious

Archer with long hair makes me uncomfortable
go back to your soijak threads, you pathetic zoomer

Nero is perfection

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CCC when?



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Only play if you're a fan, the sequel has way more characters

Extella/Link is my favorite Musou. I love the system with the skills, the gameplay, and the diversity of the characters. I've put hundreds of hours in it on Vita.
Also, Tamamo's jiggle physics and the camera letting you do panty shots for everyone is super nice.

>I heard that the first game is getting remade

it's Fate Extra getting remake, not Extella

I've never touched the fate series other than prisma illya cause i like magical girls.
I don't like the vn's art enough to get into it.

isn't fate/extra the first game?


Fate Extra is the PSP RPG.
Fate Extella is the first muso-like game


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I thought it was the first one
What order should I play them in then?
Should I wait for the remake?

I bought both of the collectors edition for Extella and Link. The games fucking suck. Why do I do this to myself.

Extra is fucking great though.

That user is fucking retarded.

Extra is the first game. It's and JRPG for PSP.
Extella is the first musou.
Extella Link is the second musou.

Extra is getting a remake. HOWEVER, it looks like they are getting rid of the combat system and replacing it with some kind of deck building system. Go play the original on PSP. You either love or hate the combat. I personally loved it and wish more people gave it a try.

Extra/CCC (Never ever)
Last Encore Anime

This is the padaru game right?

The first Extella was fucking great and made me love Nero

The second was just ....there. It felt fucking lazy as shit and wasn't even 1/10th of the game the first one was. The new magic shit trivialized combat MORE than it already is in Musou games.

How the fuck was Extella good. They both suck just as equally.

if you don't like musou game, why in the fuck did you buy a musou game? It is perfectly serviceable, although not as good as DW8 or the newer Orochi games and had a long as fuck story for Fatefags, basically the last one you're ever going to get before the gatcha hell set in.

Whore of Babylon

for me it's tituria

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I appreciate the improvements to the gameplay the second made, but yeah kinda lazy otherwise.

So it was just an "okay" musou. And when musous are already kind of garbage on average, then it just means Extella is in fact, just garbage. Got it.

LINK just didn't have as much chunni bullshit that the first game had. There were so many hype moments in the first story. Link just never got into second gear. Also Absolute Mathman was a far better villain than Charlemagne.

>I don't like these types of games but I will keep buying these types of games
you aren't very bright, are you?

the story also felt lazy as fuck compared to the extreme length of the first game.

The combat was complete ass. Literally rock paper scissors. Some battles could only be won if you played the combat exactly in a certain way. The new one looks a lot better, and the combat looks like a ton of fun. The combat of the original was hands down the worst part. Give the original a try if you want, but I'd say just wait for the remake