$70 games ain't that bad

>$70 games ain't that bad
>check the prices in my country

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>ain't that bad

I don't understand, if the increase to $70 is necessary for AAA studios to keep afloat then how can they get away with dropping the prices of their games to $20-$30 6 months after release?

>buying games

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Game pass then


Attached: 20 bucks.jpg (879x670, 185.39K)

is that site live updating the numbers?

I want my money to buy me something I can resell, not a temporary license for a digital gane
That's worthless

The vast majority of game sales are at release, it's rare for games to even make a fraction as much after the release window.

fixed that for you based piratechad

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Gotta have some way of funding those billion dollar marketing budgets.
Piracy is the only way to win.

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what is happening in that picture?


As far as I'm aware

Here in Germany new console games have been 70€ (~$82) since the PS3.

Pirating is basically impossible for the average person today, its not the same as it was in the 90s and early 2000s where every normie pirated, because it was simple and easy.

Nowadays you need to be some elite autistic shut-in neet incel to be able to be in some "in" group online to get actual proper sources for pirated shit.

This isn't taking into account the fact most new games that most people play aren't piratable because theyre online games so pirating them is pointless.

i assume spurdo sparde is crawling up pepe's ass

Middle easterners and nafris don’t deserve video games

Seventy bucks is my food budget for a fortnight. It'd feel silly to use that much in one, single piece of entertainment software.


>Nowadays you need to be some elite autistic shut-in neet incel to be able to be in some "in" group online to get actual proper sources for pirated shit.
Weird cope, but okay.

>its not the same as it was in the 90s and early 2000s where every normie pirated, because it was simple and easy
Pirating is still simple and easy. You can literally find both torrents and direct download link just by googling. Fuck off back to plebbit you absolute brainlet.

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this has to be some kind of bait to get the piratechads to reveal themselves

Oh well wait until they are reduced in a few years then


t. elite autistic shut-in neet incel

that amount has been standard in europe for years

that or aussie

>80 fucking euros aka 95 dollars
Fuck the ps5 i’m getting a pc fuck demon’s souls i’m gonna play the og on emulator

elite autistic shut in incels rise up!

Hey man, it's not my fault you don't know how to do a simple google search. I think it's more related to your sub-80 IQ.

No im dead serious, cunts.

Every normie pirated games back in the 90s and early 2000s because it was literally easier than buying the real thing for many people.

For example, in my area, there was a guy who would chip PS1, and literally everyone in my area had a chipped PS1 with every single game. LITERALLY EVERYONE. A lot of games that weren't even sold here (Australia) you had to get pirated.

99.99% of these people would not be able to pirate today because they cant just goto some local guy who does that shit and get it all from them for a small fee.

You have to be part of some elite underground pedo network to pirate in 2020, the average normie cant do it.

>autistic shut-in neet incel
We adults call 'em "nerds".

All you euros and aussies and leafs should switch to nintendo master race

I'm not 12 years old anymore, faggot.

Prices aren't real and you've just been lied to.
If anything, the price of games should have gone down not up. It got cheaper to make games, game devs literally don't get paid, and the available market for games exploded.
It's far more lucrative now and not niche, and 99.99% of game production spending is on marketting because it's easier to lie about your game than to actually make a good one.

>elite underground pedo network

Attached: huhu.jpg (240x251, 23.14K)

>You have to be part of some elite underground pedo network to pirate in 2020, the average normie cant do it.
Dude, I have a huge group of friends, male and female, ranging from early 20s to mid 30s and we ALL pirate games. Hell, one dude even has an external SSD with tons of GoG installers that he shares around.

So you're admitting to being part of an elite underground pedo network? you realize this place is a honeypot, right?

>in the 90s and early 2000s where every normie pirated
everyone pirated because normies weren't there

>he doesn't know

>I'm not 12 years old anymore, faggot.
Ok be a big boy and buy your $100 games :^)

$125 dollarydoos? Fuck that.

I already switched to PC last gen. As far as I'm concerned consoles are dead to me.

>Nowadays you need to be some elite autistic shut-in neet incel to be able to be in some "in" group online to get actual proper sources for pirated shit.

I literally just use google for PC shit and a single look at /vg/'s homebrew general taught me how to hack my 3DS, Vita, Switch, PS3 and PS4 in under some hours
Piracy is easy to anyone with half a brain. The thing is, the majority of people are fucking tards that are automatically filtered by any kind of action. I mean, people are unironically buying the Xbox One thinking that it's the new one for fucks sake

I pirate everything these days. Haven't bought a game in years.

>$70 games ain't that bad
the absolutely are

Sweet, third world gaming thread
>average wage in Russia is 30000 roubles (380$)
>PS5 games will cost 70$ (5500 roubles)
>1/6 of an average wage for a 5 hour long movie game
Thanks monke

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I suppose you're arguing for console games? Because for PC pirating absolutely is the path of least resistance to content. GOG, Steam etc. even lose in convenience, never mind the price.
I hear a title I'm interested in and have it downloading in like fifteen seconds, no middlemen, no exaggeration.


In the 90s games here were $100 AUD, the MEDIAN weekly income in Australia at the time was $450 AUD/week.

No normies were going to spend 25% of their weekly income on a single game.

Dude I became a pirate somewhere around 2005 as a 10 years old or so. It's wasn't hard then, it's not hard now. The only annoying thing is getting mods for pirated games, but even that's feasible if you've half a working brain.

I always chuckle at how it started
>game dvd with DRM
>works fine until DRM stops recognizing the disk
>Hey customer support, how do I fix this
>"Buy it again lol"
Still dabbing on those assholes 15 years later.

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>You have to be part of some elite underground pedo network to pirate in 2020, the average normie cant do it.
This is literally accurate and I'm shocked people are arguing otherwise

The average normie would get viruses doing that, not the actual game.