Some of the most fun ive ever had in gaming

Some of the most fun ive ever had in gaming
Why do people give this game shit

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>it's fun so it's good

fuck off

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It's a solid 7/10.

>walk around doing nothing is fun



Breath of the Wild

It's an okay game but has barely any replayability. The lack of themed dungeons hurt it a lot, and the side characters were pretty boring. The soundtrack sucked too.

Much preferred RDR2 honestly.

I enjoyed Flower Sun and Rain for DS but I don't go around telling people it's the best game of all time

>Some of the most fun ive ever had in gaming
Simple minds like simple things.

You don’t have to explain to us your crayon eating addiction

I hate the technology art style, not comfy at all

Sorry I don't play Asscreed open world garbage.
The world is empty.
There is barely any dungeon.
Everything is repetitive shit.
Combat is boring as fuck.
Soundtrack is almost non existent.
Performance suck (at least I play it on CEMU).

My favorite Zelda is the first one btw.

Just ignore the contrarians on this board. The people who don't like it are jaded or need constant direction to have fun. there's a reason this game won so many GOTY awards and has a 97 on metacritic,

dumb ESL nigger holy shit

You don't like Zelda games then, because despite the title nothing about this operates like one. Zelda formula be damned, this just isn't one.

It’s a Zelda game wether you like it or not

Retard stfu

ESLkun, no one cares what your favorite zelda is. No one asked.

Uhhh no it's not because it doesn't follow his imaginary rules.
What's that? Zelda 2? Ocarina of time? Skyward Sword? Yeah those were always Zelda games. Even when they came out.

>Make open world game with the selling point being that you can go anywhere
>Gear is so important that unless you stick to the correct paths and do things in exactly the order the game wants you to you're punished with enemies that one shot you and take ten minutes to kill for no benefit

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Nice arguments. My point still stand. Twilight Princess was a better Zelda by a miles.

It's okay to like bad games

>1 hour in
>need to go to the shrines
>i can't go there since i freeze to death
How do I cook the chili to get frost resistance?

It’s a sandbox. You’re not bored, you’re boring.

This is your mind in WRPGs and level scaling.
Please don't ever touch a videogames with your awful game design and taste. Thanks.

I didnt make an argument, i stated a fact. Again. No one cares how you rank zelda games.

just git gud lmao

Lmao that didn't stop me from going anywhere I wanted literally git gud.

Doesn't change the fact that BOTW is probably the worst Zelda up to date. It was only hype by Switch owners because it was the flagship game of their console.

And where do I sell things or get a bigger inventory?

spicy peppers, raw meat and hyrule bass
alternatively just carry a torch with you

WW, TP, SS, and Phantom Hourglass are all worse

it only has the same 5 monsters.

Even white bread tastes good when you're starving bingtendies and 3 gens of mediocre zelda games really worked in botws favor

Cope: The post

Because they want it to be more like Ubisoft, Rockstar and Bethesda open world games and it isn't, it's a traditional Zelda with lots of puzzles and exploring.

Weapon durability and the fact that all dungeons look the same

It’s also on WiiU

You can just hold a torch.

Except that is not a fact. Again, no one cares about your opinion.

I hate Toon Link. Didn't play SS because i can't into waggle. TP had better pacing, dungeon and bosses.

>TP had better pacing
not with all the pointless padding bullshit in between the fun bits

I know and its also the best version !

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Sell things with every vendor you will eventually find, there's a lot. For a bigger inventory you need to collect Korok seeds and find someone who wants them.

is this the daily cope thread for trannystation niggers STILL seething about this game?

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It's already like Ubisoft. They do need better production values like Rockstar (mostly noticable in the open world simulations involving how NPC's(radiant AI) live in the world and not post apocalyptic shit) to be taken more serious though

Don’t you have a street to be shitting in, Ranjeet?

But all theses points are valid, user.

>to be taken more serious though
I’m sure they’re working real hard to get the approval of some assblasted autist

Like most other open world games I fell off near the end. Solid foundation, but the content got really stale. I just stopped doing any of it and still ended up dropping it.

I still don't believe anyone that isn't on amphetamines enjoyed doing shrines after maybe the 10th one, or clearing camps and getting nothing, or worthless sidequests or all 4 divine beasts having the same gimmick. BotW 2 is going to be so much better, there's no way they can fuck that up.

I mean it has some very annoying drawbacks but overall I had a good experience. One of the best designed open worlds out there

They're getting there

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So you climb a tower to get a map like Ubisoft, but you just get the terrain, you have to explore to find places and points of interest and the gameplay is nothing like an Ubisoft game. Also there are lots of NPCs in the game, everyone is named and lots have unique interactions.