Damn! Unreal engine looks like THAT???
Damn! Unreal engine looks like THAT???
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Hol up, could you always parry the shield?
Looks fun for an indie souls clone
looks great
Good question actually
This reminds me of those ads for phone games that look nothing like what the ad is showing.
the pvp is still trash
it's not made in Unreal though
No, DeS is trash.
which engine is it then?
>kylo ren finisher except through the chest because it's not disney
>looks no better than current gen indieshit
you can't parry shield attacks in any of the souls games though
Bluepoint use their own in-house engine, the same they used for SotC
Probably the same engine as the original. Des, Das1, Das2, Das3, Bloodborne and Sekiro are all running on From's modification of Sony's PhyreEngine.
it really does look like a generic UE4 project ngl
How the fuck does that even work, shouldn't the lightsaber just cut straight through him?
kys Mortal shill the game is garbo
1. not unreal engine
2. they did a lazy job
stop making threads you brain dead idiot
pirate mortal shell and emulate demon's souls
That's Lucas' lightsabers. Disney's lightsabers are like glow in the dark swords and just leave very nasty burns.
Now that I think about it, did anyone lose a limb in the new trilogy? They're forgettable as is but I only remember people getting stabbed.
Please tell me I'm wrong and that things aren't as bad as I thought, a webm of it or a picture will do.
looks like Lord's of the Fallen
How's the level design? I binged on Hellpoint and regretted my first 10 minutes and then it won me over hard, so I'm willing to give Mortal Shell a shot.
some good, some bad
that area in particular has really poor level design at the start then gets a little more interesting
Why does an armored knight jump up like that and flap his legs around?
Unity artistic direction Chad >>> Unreal pseudo realism virgin
Microsoft purchases Unreal and now all games developed on the engine are Xbox exclusives.
Mortal Shell is the opposite of Hellpoint. It has a strong start when you think there's shit to explore, but then the base of operations shows you where all the 4 (four) weapons and bodies are, and after that it's just sprinting through hallways to the next checkpoint or boss. No point in fighting enemies or looking around because the game is empty.
They both suffer from same-looking hallways syndrome, but Hellpoint often enough has something new around the corner, you find some cool new item, wonder what it does and if you should allocate stats for it.
MS got some cool vistas, but it doesn't have shit on Hellpoint where you can see locations from far away like in DS1-3.
Bluepoint's proprietary engine and it looks phenomenal as usual.
watch it in 4k 60 it is marvelous.
Dude it looks way better than Mortal Shell. Mortal Shell has horrible colors and shows the limits of UE4 pretty well.
Horrible animation in Mortal Shell too.
Did they rewrite the entire game, or just update/optimize the graphics module/interface or something. I wonder how 'thorough' those remasters really are.
It looks like an early access UE4 game.
It's a remake, so they only used original as a reference.