This is what happens when commiefornians are running your company

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who cares, no one is buying a PS5 anyway lmao

Those city rebuilds don’t come cheap, Zach. Now pay for your PS5 upgrade like a good drone.

Wii U owners don't get the switch versions of Wii U ports for free.

b-but cities can rebuild... I thought they would take care of themselves at no cost to us

there's a lot of things wrong with california but the two years i lived in arizona i wanted to fucking kill myself there IS NO FUCKING GOOD FOOD THERE WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TO LIVE ON A COAST TO GET ACCESS TO DECENT FOOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

They made me cancel the preorder when they announced the exclusives are coming on PS4 too.

Commies are just capitalists with even more disregard for the law.

Sounds like a pretty capitalist move to me, I don't think OP knows what communism is.

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>Greedy Snoy milking more money From fans

Pick one

This was one of the most unprofessional and disgusting thing I've ever seen

Reminder that sony consones people breaking into stores and looting ps5s

>More political bullshit
Fuck ing hell I wish this shit would get banned God I fucking hate Americans and their crappy country

You just know their social media is run by some negress

i still can't believe that was real


Is this some kind of doublethink going on?

Holy BASED, preordering a PS5 right now

Its the opposite user. I was born in Phoenix and lived there for most of my life but now I'm in Ventura California and THERE IS NO GOOD HERE PHOENIX HAS SO MANY PLACES TO EAT THERES FUCKING NOTHING HERE

If you want some really great Chinese food check out Yaos in Gilbert Az, they give you so much fucking food.

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There is nothing wrong with buying premium products for a premium price..

uh bro stop talking about the reality of political activism all over the gaming industry influencing every conceivable aspect of it. You're supposed to keep that in Zig Forums and live in a fantasy world.

>paid remaster of a 2 year old game

definitely getting my first xbox. fuck sony.

also worth remembering people speculated this would happen 3 months ago, and insomniac mislead people into thinking it wasn't true.

>Show solidarity with a 400 century long marginalized people? HOW RUDE I WANT MY BREAD AND CIRCUS

Gamers have been marginalized for even longer.

Were you guys seriously thinking you would be getting a brand new game for free just because you owned the last game? That's insane.

>Paid Upgrade
>OP has the intelligence of a Turkey

Rise the fck up, fellow gamers, its time to opress some niggers.

Can you believe Xbox offers fucking remasters for free of so many Xbone, 360 and Xbox games while Sony offers absolutely nothing?

So are blacks getting Spider-Man: Miles Morales upgrade for the PS5 for free?

Contrary to your presumptuous beliefs, I'm not a racist who hate black people, I want black people, nay all people, to have the same possibilities and rights as I. Anyway, kill yourself dumb nigger loving faggot, the way Sony went about it was disgusting and was only showmanship.

Then stop obsessing over us, playing our games, browsing our websites, etc. and you wouldn't even have to experience us.

I hate yurofags but I never go on krautchan and consume their gay ass entertainment.

>calls others commies
>upset he doesn't get free shit
Am I missing the irony here?

Sony is remastering the first Spiderman and charging you for it :) This has absolutely nothing to do with Miles Morales.

>muh food

Imagine being this fat

400 century, damn they predate the dinos n shiet

only when they steal PS5s in the next chimpout

didn't think you'd have to pay £70 for a dlc and a patch

I already 100% Spider-Man, I don't really need to play it again.
I'm also not gonna get a ps5, so whatever.

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>play our D&C game goy

Yeah, because Nintendo sure gave us free upgrades for Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, and New Super Mario OH WAIT

If Sony cares about black lives they should give a PS5 to every black guy

Microsoft wouldn't have done this.

>clear capitalist tactic of double dipping
Americanos are v. dumb

This. Exactly.

Reminder that it's been 2 years and you still can't buy pic related separately on PS4

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just steal it bro, sony aprooves, companies can be rebuild

They should. They should especially get the digital versions of first party classics bought on the Nintendo estores, but Nintendo keeps making everyone rebuy them every gen and everyone laps it up.

imagine being mad at a basic pr moves like this

It is a huge shame too because it is the best of the three

Hell, the P3+P5 bundle is worth buying for P4 alone

Snoys are buying a $500 machines to play a 6 hour spiderman expansion. This will be PS4 launch all over again being stuck with only Killzone 4 and massive buyer's remorse everywhere.

The Switch isn't backwards compatible with the Wii U. You can still play the PS4 version of Spiderman on the PS5.
MS is not only upgrading your BC games, but also giving you the next gen port at no extra cost.

Arrogant Sony is back.

So is Miles Morales an actual PS5 exclusive or can I play it on PS4?

It's on PS4 with a free upgrade for PS5. So unless you want the Ultimate Edition, there's literally no reason to buy it on PS5.

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Yeah, I’m just going to keep my PS4 Pro for another year then.

Now wait a second, Typical Right Wing Retard On Zig Forums! I thought you faggots always said that Commies want to give lazy people free stuff? Which is it?