What can we expect from this game?
This has me optimistic about hit.
What will the gameplay be like? A more fast paced version of Prey/Bioshock? Bioshock Infinite, essentially?
What can we expect from this game?
This has me optimistic about hit.
What will the gameplay be like? A more fast paced version of Prey/Bioshock? Bioshock Infinite, essentially?
You can expect to check your privilege and pay double price for your ancestors' deeds.
Can we not just discuss a video game on Zig Forums for once, instead of instantly diving into Zig Forumsshit?
gameplay seems more akin to Dishonoured than prey or bioshock
Made by the guy who directed Death of the Outsider. His name is literally Dindu or something close to that
>shooters on a controller
>no gyro aiming to compensate
It'll be shit
>enter the store
>get caught, police called
>act dumb, say didn't do it
>pull out a gun, as you do..
>get shot
>wake up
>it's the groundhog day
>Made by the guy who directed Death of the Outsider
I think i just removed any glimmer of excitment i had for this, the DOTO spinoff was dogshit and practically buried the Dishonored series six feet under.
It's a Prey with bigger focus on a variety of weaponry and action rather than horror (tho I totally expect some weird mutated monsters in the sewers). It's an ambitious project to merge the asyncronous multiplayer of invasions with the large sized open ended level design of immersive sims. The "Island" is a series of large Dishonored style maps you exit/enter from various points.
Play on PC
so why does he still have a job at arkane
>Wants to assassinate 8 white targets
>Actually the one really trying to kill him is another nigger
What did Arkane mean by this?
I expect the game to be about finding the best route to end the loops in one setting to be the ultimate end point and a ton of new age bullshit put in my way to make it near impossible even when I know what the optimal route would be.
I get the idea they are going for, I do not trust them to be able to pull it off in the slightest. In addition to fumbling the execution I anticipate them structuring the game deliberately to punish anyone trying to do the idea in any way other than how they envisioned it.
And niggerdry.
Acting like Zig Forums outside of Zig Forums is peak reddit
It's a ps5 exclusive.
Is what I was going to say, but yeah its on PC so never mind. I'll keep an eye on it on release.
Have you played Mooncrash? It's that but with a singular character.
wasn't it also focused on a nog for no real reason after the series was not about nogs?
The only ones to bring Zig Forums up did so in a way to intentionally create an in-thread bogeyman that doesn't exist.
Take note anons, they WANT the threads to turn into racism talk. In the abscence of it they will bring up the fact that we aren't being Zig Forums passively.
I wonder if it will be like outer wilds, where if you know how to you can beat the game in like 15 minuets
Yes, but that's not even the worst part Harvey Smith unironically hired literal Tumblrinas for the writer room for the spinoff.
>What can we expect from this game?
a fucking flop
I wish Raph had stayed long enough for the buyout... he could've been making his dream immersive sim right now.
As someone uninformed on the series I only noticed the game because the black girl was not who the series used and suddenly she was front and center without the mask on.
I don't play the games so I was never going to buy it but it looks like it did kill the series in no uncertain terms (from what I've gathered from fans of the series).
Why would they let this guy just do the same thing again after it killed an entire franchise?
I liked the trailer for Deathloop, but I like blackspoiltation films in general.
>Why would they let this guy just do the same thing again after it killed an entire franchise?
Bevause this is a new IP
>when i said: "make it realistic" i meant the graphics! -Arkane studios boss
Just ignore them, user.
You ain't supposed to play black people's games whitey
is this the first triple A roguelite ever made
Why is this coon game being shilled here every other day?
Who is behind this?
will there be likeable straight white cis male characters who have masculine behaviors and not that apex legends or borderlands 3 horseshit?