Attached: Ty44_07u.jpg (400x400, 27.76K)
Holy based
Jordan Edwards
Leo Russell
I wish that cancer had killed him
Camden Miller
Lincoln Cox
Can't wait for Trump to lose so you retards will Jonestown yourselves
Dominic Russell
What’s Bid N Harris? And what does the N stand for?
Lincoln Rivera
I can't imagine actually being excited for Biden. More like settle for dementia Biden, or the retarded and transparently corrupt manbaby.
Jack Stewart
Imagine magatard seething when he loses to senile granpa
Michael Rogers
the face of ps5
Ayden Reed
>rich old white men bad
>nominates a rich old white man
what did democrats mean by this
Samuel Cooper
Go away kinda faggy greg
Andrew Gonzalez
Isaiah Murphy
it would be better if the whole world, including hollywood and every other foreign leader ree'd once more. I don't get how you retards don't want to see that. It's not like Joe would be any better than trump.
Jackson White
Trump wont lose tho
Youre one Zig Forums faggot if you dont like it here fuck off
Juan Russell
Parker Hall
Not video games
Logan Cook
did you cop one
Jaxon Russell
Is it BIDΞN or BID三N?
James Smith
They're in too deep dude, when they lose they will think it was rigged.
Joshua Long
I don't give a fuck about politics but I want Biden to win just so I can see Zig Forums, hell this entire fucking site implode.
Angel Martinez
kinda like how people thought russia was the reason trump won for 4 years.
Cooper Bell
Daniel Rivera
I hope that he loses so that the election tourists will fuck off. Those fags have ruined this site.
inb4 low IQ MIGApedes reply with memes and buzzwords
Angel Mitchell
Oh wow now I know who not to vote.
Noah Bailey
You know, there’s a ton of advertisements in the media, commercials, radio etc to make sure people get out there and vote.
More advertisements to say
>Everyone has a reason, go out and vote, don’t let anybody stop you from choosing what you feel
>Kids are turning 18 and able to finally vote, let them be free
But the attitude changes when they find out you want to vote Republican
Daniel James
>I don't give a fuck about politics
then you should want the most people seething. A trump win is an international implode-ship
Asher Williams
How is trump going to lose, honestly? You think biden is even half as strong as clinton? You think trumps approval has gone anywhere but up in the last 4 years?
Mason Wilson
This is what a retard wears?
Leo Brooks
I think it's weird right around the time Biden announced his running mate, Jim "Kamala" Harris died.
Made news finding out about his death difficult.
Christian Johnson
>when you realize the entire republican party is literally and unironically run by memes
it's kind of fucked up
Jacob Cox
Left wing cope levels are reaching unprecedented highs
Aiden Wilson
Parker Diaz
Don't care still voting for Trump
Zachary Barnes
Mommy knows best
William Lopez
ok chud
Nathaniel Lee
That will not happen unless the demoncrats rig the voting in mailing. Senile Poopypants biden has no chance. Not even the left likes him.